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Q: Does a prepubescent boy have the ability to produce Sperm?
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Can a girl get pregnant if the boy does not produce sperm?

No. Besides a boy HAS to produce sperms. There is no such thing as a boy who doesn't produce sperms.

Is it possible for a boy not to produce sperm?

yes that is why they have fertility treatments

Can a boy going through puberty with one testicle burst still produce sperm?

If he has a testicle, there will be sperm.

If a 17 year old boy continue to produce sperm will this effect his health?

You will continue to produce sperm your whole life you usually start producing sperm when you hit puberty and beyond.

Can a 5 yr old boy produce sperm?

No, their body isn't mature enough. Guys usually don't produce sperm until puberty. 10-17

What age does sperm development happen in the male?

Around your mid 12. During Puberty a boy will start to produce sperm.

How can I produce fast sperm and get my wife pregnant?

You can't really do anything to produce fast sperm. It all depends on your wife's ovulation schedule as to when she might get pregnant. You can try at home ovulation kits, they might help you get an idea as to when the best time for your wife to get pregnant is. As far as if you are trying for a girl or boy keep in mind the "slow" sperm you produce is stronger and equals girl where as the "fast" sperm is weaker and will produce a boy.

How does a 16 year old produce sperm?

if we are talking about a boy than with his testis and his "pickle"

Can sperm be end from a 19 years old boy by a lot of sex?

No, you will produce more.

Can 13years old boy play sperm?

13 year old boys can produce sperm.

Are there any ways to speed up puberty mainly making sperm?

No. The process of puberty turns a child from a boy into an adult male. The most important of the changes that takes place is that during puberty a boy's testes will begin to produce sperm. The age that this happens at is different for each boy and the order that the other changes happen in can be different from one boy to another. One boy may have hairs in his armpits but not be able to produce sperm but another boy maybe the opposite. Generally speaking though most boys begin to produce sperm when they are around 12 to 14 years old.

Can boys create a sperm at age 8?

A soon as puberty begins a boy can normally produce sperm. It is highly unusual, but not impossible, for a boy to experience the onset of puberty at age 8. as above it could happen but the odds are very low