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A convex lens bends inward. Hope this helps:)

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Q: Does a prism a mirror or a convex lens bend inward or converges?
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What type of Len's convex or concave does a prism act like?


How is a prism different than a convex lens?

A prism has 3 flat faces while a convex lens has two curved faces. However the edge of a convex lense has a similar geometry to two adjacent faces of a prism.

What can you use to separate visible light?

a prism or convex lens

What are the parts of the periscope?

The periscope has several parts: the ocular lenses, the mirror or prism, inversion/reversion prisms, relay lenses, another mirror or prism, and objective lenses.

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When can light be detected?

when it reflects off a surface like a mirror or a prism(the prism reflects, absorbs, and retracts light)

Which surface of the mirror is usually used to reflect light?

I would have to say the prism

Why are mirror images perfect?

No ! The images formed by a mirror are not perfect !!The finest images are those formed by a right angled PRISM . However the rays from the object need to fall perpendicularly on prism's surface . Thus for convenience mirrors are used .

What has the author Melanie Barfels written?

Melanie Barfels has written: 'Chromophore imaging with an optimized prism-mirror-prism energy filter designed for an electron microscope'

How many different nets are there for triangular prism?

Three if mirror images are considered different and two otherwise.

How many vertices does a nonahedron have?

There are 2606 distinct convex nonahedrons with varying numbers of vertices, such as Johnson solid #14 (a triangular prism sandwiched between two pyramids) which has 8, and the heptagonal prism with 14. Concave solids could have even more!

Is a octahedron a prism?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. One of these 257 shapes is a prismoid, and a prism is a special case of a prismoid in which the two hexagonal faces are congruent and parallel.