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According to the Environmental Testing Group KMS products are not tested on animals. This would include the California Head Remedy Clarify range.

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Q: Does a product have to be tested on an animal before being sold?
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When they chose a animal is it hurt before being tested or hurt after?

For what kind of test?

Is animal testing killing animals all over the world?

It depends on what is being tested on the animal and how. If medicine/drugs are being tested on an animal, then the animal might die/suffer. The same goes with some food products.

Can you see an appropriate picture of an animal being animal tested on?

not likley. they will all be inapropreate

When a disease fighting drug is being tested on humans what kind of risks is the human taking?

As much as an animal being tested... a lot.

What are the tests used to verify product safety?

The tests used to verify product safety are different, depending on the nature of the product being tested.

How do animals die from being tested on?

Sometimes, the product they use on the animal may kill it.. which probably means, it shouldn't be used on humans either.. their are also other reasons why animals may die from being tested on. In my opinion and in many others: its very wrong to do so. I hate people testing on animals.

Dogs being tested?

Animal testing is very, very , VERY, wrong.

How do the animals react after being tested on?

they might be dissected or sold to another researcher or reused because testing on animals is not accurate.Animal testing is wrong and just because they can't say no it doesn't make it right. It wasn't right when we tested on orphans, blacks, G.I.s, and gypsies!PLEASE BUY CRUELTY FREE PRODUCTS!!!

What do some companies use instead of animals for testing?

Instead of animals being tested on, plants and humans can be tested on too. - Girl with answers.

Why does vivisection why does animal testing happen?

To test products for us humans. So that what is being tested on the animal doesn't hurt us but hurts them!:(

Is Bare minerals tested on animals?

Bare Minerals is a brand of powder foundation that promotes itself as being free of chemicals and other impurities. Various vegan beauty lists have Bare Minerals down as being cruelty free, although the company that owns Bare Minerals does do animal testing.

What are some of the animals that are being tested with cosmetics?

many many animal are being tested for cosmetic use. just to name a few, bunnies, monkeys. chimps, orangatuns, and some even test on cats and dogs.