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How you met has little to no effect on the relationship itself.

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Q: Does a relationship have a chance at lasting if you met the person through the other person you were with?
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Whether or not you should stay with a person you can't trust depends on if you feel that you can eventually trust the person. If there is no chance of trust developing, it would be difficult to have a lasting, happy relationship.

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I am sure that one can form a long lasting relationship with a pen pal, as lots of people will be honest when they are writing. I would want to meet the person though.

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I think the chance is probably a 50 50 it depends on who the other person is.

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The only way to have a lasting relationship with someone with no conscience is to have as little to do with that person as possible. The only reason you would have to interact with them at all is because they were family, or a neigbor, or a coworker/boss. And even with these relationships it is smart to keep contact to a minimum.

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Yes, but remember there are other people out there. Don't have your mind set on one person. Explore your options.

What makes a relationship so fun and long lasting?

Relationships are long lasting if there is trust, compatibility, and strong feelings of love and commitment. If you feel truly connected to the person you are able to be yourself, allowing you to share experiences and have fun together.

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First you need to mourn the first marriage. Then dissect the relationship. Why do you feel it did not work? What type of person are you? What type of person would you be able to have a good marriage with? If you can do these things, then you are ready to have a new relationship and hopefully it will be a long lasting one.

What does it mean when you break up with your girlfriend and you gave her so many chance and she asked you for another chance?

It is polite to forgive and forget. But then the facts are "fool me once"," shame on me","fool me twice", "shame on you", and if there is a third time, then you have to admit it," there's a "Fool" born every minute. ________________________________________________________________ Asking for "another chance" in a relationship means that one person wants the other person to reconsider the break-up, and give both people in the relationship a chance to work through their problems. It is often stated when one person has done something offensive, or beyond the agreed boundaries of behavior which would give rise to a break-up, and are repeatedly trying to convince the other person that they are willing to change their conduct. The first question that needs to be addressed is why were you breaking up in the first place. Was the cause of the break-up a truly serious matter, or did it start small and escalate through mutual disagreements, arguments, or hurtful comments. Sometimes, the toughest thing to do is to honestly look at your own actions, and see if they contributed to the problem. If there is a serious issue that needs to be resolved, determine if you really have serious feelings for the other person. If your love is not strong enough to endure some difficult times, and work through it, then the relationship is not likely to last in the long run. This might not be the fault of one person or the other, but that the two people are not truly compatible. Perhaps the relationship was begun for the wrong reasons, or did not develop through a healthy process from acquaintances, to friends, to love. Once you are truly in love, the little things can not break up the relationship, but both people have to work on honesty, communication, and forgiveness. However, if there is repeated behavior that is not conducive to a healthy relationship, such as a lack of honesty, or faithfulness, then it is likely a character flaw that does not change simply by asking for "another chance." Once the trust is gone out of a relationship, it can be very difficult, if not impossible to get it back. You have to search your own feelings deep within and ask yourself if you really love this person, if you truly desire a lasting relationship with this person, and if you believe they are willing to work on their own faults, if you are willing to look at yourself, and improve as well (no one is perfect).

How do you get a long lasting relationship?

you gotta be nice, caring, and always smile. be fun if the person is fun. if the person says they like you dont say yes or i like you too, just smile. treat out to dinner. :)

Can you forgive a person who cheated on you in a long distance relationship and give them another chance if you are certain they are not going to do it again?

wouldn't that be up to you?

What should you do if you have a long-lasting relationship and you are in love with someone else?

If you are in love with person "B" why are you still in a relationship with person "A"? Your "long-lasting" relationship is based on lies if you are in love with someone else so why keep lying to them and yourself? You have choices and are ultimately responsible for your own happiness so you decide what is best for you, regardless of what other people think. Understand, your decisions may negatively affect and will probably impact others, so be prepared to stand behind your deciscions, whatever they may be.

Will you choose the person who loves you very much over the person you love but doesn't loves you?

I wouldn't choose either one. In a relationship both people must care for/love each other for there to be any chance of a lasting, fulfilling relationship. If you enter into a relationship where love is present from one person and not the other there will always be disappointment and a longing for love from that person. It is a one-sided relationship. I would wait until you meet the person that you love and who loves you in return. There is someone out there for everyone. It can be very difficult to move on from someone you love but if that person does not return your love that relationship will never be fulfilling or bring you happiness. The relationship will not last and someone will end up hurt. Wait for the right person to come along. It will happen.