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it really depends on what kind of scoliosis it is, and how bad it is. Generally, the doctors will probably do their best to make it in the shape of your body, with different shapes of padding inside of the brace instead of outside of the brace.

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Q: Does a scoliosis back brace stick out of any parts of your body when you wear it?
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Do you have to wear a brace after scoliosis surgery?

After scoliosis surgery, it depends where they fused/placed the rods/screws...I had scoliosis surgery and I can crack the TOP half of my spine, but, the screws are at the bottom of my back and I am unable to crack it there. :)

Can scoliosis worsen even after wearing a brace?

Most definitely. I wear a back brace currently and it straitens my back while I'm wearing it , but doesn't stop its curve for good. After two nights without it it will continue to grow.

Does scoliosis worsen over time?

Scoliosis can worsen if it isn't taken care of properly. Go to your doctor and talk to him/her about physical therapy, and if your condition is really bad, maybe a brace for your back will help.

Cure for a bent spine?

There are many different types of spine problems that may be called a bent spine. Some are kyphosis and scoliosis. A treatment for scoliosis or kyphosis can be a back brace, or in severe cases corrective surgery.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

A crooked spine. It is treated with a back brace. One symptom of scoliosis is back pain. One indication of it is the shoulders not being even, one being higher than the other, the ribs being uneven, one hip higher than the other, these all vary according to the severity of the scoliosis and the location of it.

Can Scoliosis be cured?

Yes, your back will at least straighten if you go to your doctor and get a back brace and any other things he/she might think necessary. Anything is possible if you try to get better.

Is it wrong for the end of your brace to stick out at the back of your mouth and cut your cheek?

yes, it is wrong.

Is there treatment for scoliosis?

Yes. There are two solutions: wearing a back brace until all of one's vertical growth has ceased, and having surgery in which metal rods are placed in one's back.

Can mild scoliosis be cured?

Yes, your back will at least straighten if you go to your doctor and get a back brace and any other things he/she might think necessary. Anything is possible if you try to get better.

What is a tlso brace?

A TLSO brace is a rigid back brace that keeps the spine straight by restricting the wearer's movements. It is the most common brace used for halting spine curvature in people with scoliosis (though it typically doesn't correct existing curves). It is also used by people recovering from back surgery or spine injuries, as it provides a lot of back support and restricts movements that might cause pain or damage. Finally, a TLSO brace can be used as a posture corrective brace for people who want to force themselves into an upright posture.

How can i get rid of a scoliosis causing a raised hip or at least make it less obvious?

You can't actually get rid of scoliosis but you can have corrective surgery. Or you can also wear a back brace or over time the spine can straighten itself while the body is growing. A doctor can help you make choices.

What treatment for age onset scoliosis?

Treatment for the onset of scoliosis will be dependent upon the age of the patient and the severity of the curvature. The patient may have to wear a back brace, undergo physiotherapy and/or undergo surgery to insert a metal rod in the spine to prevent it from worsening.