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ya it bites their heads off

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Q: Does a shark have interaction with people and if so how?
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What is food eaten of shark?

the food that a hammer head shark eats is stupid people so bye

What interactions do sharks have with people?

A shark will generally treat a human with passive curiosity, unless you're floundering around splashing--then they may mistake you for a seal then and take a nibble or two from you. If you have a open wound in the water, the interaction will be aggressive on the part of the shark.

How do human activities affact sharks?

Frighten sharks, interest sharks, don't matter to sharks, distract sharks. Depends on the shark, the area of interaction, regularity or frequency of interaction in that area and the intended activity of the shark.Ken, the Shark Wrangler,

Is an example of parasitism is a person and a shark True or False?

False. A parasite lives off its host without killing it. That cannot be said of human and shark interaction.

How long is the worlds biggest white shark?

The biggest shark on the world is the whale shark because it eats plankton so that is why they named it the whale shark. The whale shark is 12.5m long and weighs 15 tones. The whale shark does not eat humans, but they have eaten 200 people in 100 years. This was only because they did not know we are meat not plankton. Although a couple of years ago 20 student went out to swim, and the whale shark ate 4/20 of them. The whale shark is the biggest shark on the world. People also say that the whale shark lives in the Missisippi River in Texas. So the whale shark is getting extinct because people are hunting on them. So just for your safety BEWARE

What is the bigg est shark in the world?

The largest Shark (as well as the largest fish) is the Whale Shark, which is a filter feeder, meaning that it has no teeth so it cant eat people

Why is the salmon shark deadly in antarctica?

The Salmon Shark is deadly because it is a predator to Krill and Salmon and Squid, who are main meal for most Antarctic animals, no human interaction has been recorded between this shark and humans.

Do sharks attack people on land?

sharks do not attack people on land. a shark is a water animal so if a shark took the time to atack someone on land, thehy shark would die. sharks do not breathe air.

What is interaction in geography?

Even i was looking for this question i was like what does interaction means someone help me but then i asked my teacher and thats what she told me. Interaction means a relationship between two things. For example: a relationship between two roads, A conversation between two people etc.

How does the interaction of people groups affect the growth of society?

How does the interaction of people groups affect the growth of societies?

How does the interaction of people groups affect the growth of societies?

The interaction of people groups can lead to the exchange of ideas, technologies, and resources, which can foster innovation and growth in societies. It can also lead to cultural diffusion and enrichment, shaping the development of societies. However, conflicts and tensions between different groups can impede societal growth and development.