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No - it's normally clear (like a contact lense). The only time it shows colour is during the shedding process - when it gradually turns a milky-white, before clearing again just prior to the snake shedding.

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Q: Does a snakes brille colour while the snake is sleeping?
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What is unuasual about the eyelids of some snakes?

The eyelids of all snakes are non-existent ! Instead, they have a clear scale (the 'brille') which covers the eyeball. Each time a snake sheds, this covering is replaced.

What will happen if a black corn snake and a normal phase corn snake mate?

you just get different colour corn snakes

What covers a snakes eyes?

Snakes' eyes are covered by their clear scales (the brille) rather than movable eyelids. Their eyes are always open, and for sleeping, the retina can be closed or the face buried among the folds of the body.

Do snakes shed their eyes when they shed their skin?

Not their entire eyes - but ... There is a transparent, protective covering over the snakes eyes - called the 'brille' It is discarded with the old skin each time the snake sheds - as it develops a new one with the creation of the new skin

Do snakes have scales on their eyes?

No snakes have eyelids as such. They have a clear membrane over the eyeball called the 'Brille' - it is discarded each time the snake sheds, and a new one is formed with the new skin. See related link for a better description.

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Snakes curl up when they are sleeping and resting. Snakes may also begin to curl before an attack. It is best to stay away from a snake if you are not sure what the behavior is.

What is the scientific name of sleeping snake?

The scientific name of the sleeping snake is Ophidia dormiens.

What is the colour of a colubrid snake?

Colubrids are a diverse family of snakes. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

What colour is a rat snake?

Rat snakes are black,yellow and gray. black ones are from new england.they are harmless.

Why cant snakes close their eyes?

Borrowed from Rasputin: A snake's eyes are rounded and with lenses adjustable for distance vision. With the exception of the blind snakes, the eyes of a snake are permanently covered and protected by a transparent lower eyelid (called a spectable or brille). The fusion of the eyelids does not allow a snake to blink or close their eyes. Since the snake lacks external ear openings and eardrums, they hear by using their head to pick up vibrations and sounds from the ground. Experiments have shown that snakes can hear airborne sounds as well, although not well.

What colour can corn snakes be?

Hi. The corn snake is naturally red hence its proper name red rat snake or (Elaphae guttata). you can get deep almost blood red corns these are called Amelanistic Bloodred Corn Snake, yellowy coloured called Amber corn snakes, Anerythristic Corn Snake and more

What species of snakes live in Texas?

There are 123 venomous snakes in Texas and 3456 non-venomous snakes in Texas.