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No, the "sonic boom" is the noise observed as a supersonic shockwave generated by an object already traveling faster than the speed of sound passes over you. Different observers hear the same shockwave at different times, depending on their location relative to the supersonic object generating that shockwave.

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Q: Does a sonic boom occur only when passing the speed of sound?
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Does a sonic boom occur at the moment when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound?

yes. a sonic boom occurs when the aircraft breaks the sound barrier and all the time it is going faster than the speed of sound.

What is a sonic boom?

A sonic boom is created when you have something creating sound at a speed greater than what the sound wave can get away from the source. A jet flying at super-sonic speed will create a compression wave in front of it where the energy of its passing is 'cumulatively stored'. When this wave reaches a high enough pressure than the speed of sound in it will equal the speed of the jet and the energy will proceed to leak out. Once in 'normal' air this highly compressed wave will then expand into a wave front of ordinary sound that is greater than the sound of the jet passing by itself. A Sonic Boom is when something travels at such speed, that it breaks the sound barrier. The sound that is caused by breaking the sound barrier, is called a Sonic Boom.

Does a sonic boom occur only at the moment when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound?

That's not true.

If you encounter a sonic boom is that evedence that an aircraft of some sort exceeded the speed of sound moments ago to become supersonic. Define your answer.?

You can't really encounter a sonic boom, but sonic booms do occur when aircrafts exceed the speed of sound.

How fast is sonic speed?

Sonic speed which is known as Mach 1 is the speed of sound which is 761 mph.

How does sonic boom occur?

When an object goes faster than the speed of sound, air is compressed against the front and when it is pushed hard or fast enough it creates a a sonic boom.

Does an airplane traveling twice the speed of sound create two sonic booms?

No. The sonic boom will be created by any speed that is greater than the speed of sound.

When a plane flying over us exceeds the speed of sound we hear an energy release called a sonic?

Those are ultra sonic planes. There is a sonic boom if it is traveling with sound speed.

Is Sonic the Hedgehog slow?

sonic the hedgehog is not slow he can go the speed of sound.

What is the speed of Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sonic travels at the speed of sound which is 343km/s saying that's fast is an understatement.

How strong would the sonic boom be when Sonic The Hedgehog passes the speed of sound?

Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding a lot like an explosion. Thunder is a type of natural sonic boom, created by the rapid heating and expansion of air in a lightning discharge. Sonic booms occur on a daily basis via aircraft.

What is an aircraft that can exceed the speed of sound?

super sonic