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Yes, a stingray often loses its spine when it injures another creature. This occurs largely due to the relatively weak connection between the spine and the tail, the often surprising force of this defensive reaction and the anchor-like teeth of the spine, which tend to lodge in tissue like a series of arrowheads or fishhook barbs.

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Q: Does a stingray lose it tail after striking?
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Related questions

When was Short-tail stingray created?

Short-tail stingray was created in 1875.

How many poisonous barbs are on a stingray's tail?

the stingray has 2 poisonous barbs on its tail.

Do stingrays regrow their barbs?

No, a stingray is relatively unaffected by the loss of its spine because the spine is connected to the tail by only a small amount of connective tissue. Loss of a spine usually results in spine replacement within a short period. In fact, some stingray species replace their spines on an annual basis

Does a stingray have a long or short tail?

it has a medium tail

What is a tail on the stingray called?

The tail is called a barb. It has poison that can be deadly.

Is a stingray a mollusk?

yes because it has a tail

How is a stingray unique?

It has a flat body and a barbed tail

Where are stingrays stings?

The barb of a stingray is located in the tail.

What is the difference for stingray Corvette?

Corvette stingrays have a distinctive split in the rear window to resemble a stingray's barbed tail.

Is the short-tail stingray a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

I belive it is is a vertebrate

How does stingray got there name?

Stingrays get their name from the poisonous spines on their tail.

How the animal stingray is protected?

The stingray has a barb at the base of its tail that inflicts a very painful sting. When threatened, a stingray is able to whip its tail quickly to sting an attacker. If stung by a stingray, the immediate treatment is to immerse the area in water that is as hot as can be tolerated, because heat breaks down the stingray toxin. A doctor should be seen because of the potential for infection and the possibility at a piece of the barb remaining in the body.