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Yes and no. First, a history on poles. The reason we call them telephone poles is they were first used and paralleled train tracks and were called telegraph poles. This was pre 1900. Since then, electricity or power lines were strung up on these same poles and power poles, which are owned by the power company. If a pole has both power and telephone on them, they are called joint-use poles and utility companies that own the poles can charge other utilities to use them for a yearly fee per pole. Nowadays, most poles are joint use and carry power, telephone and Cable Television on them and unless your power is fed by underground or buried power lines, your computer gets the power it needs from these type poles. The exception to this is a battery powered laptop, but these still get recharged by the same source.

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It could be owned by the telephone company and leased to the power company. In some states, they are public property. You would have to ask for your location.

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Remove a telephone pole?

Hire a wrecker.

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Where are the telephone wires in big nate?

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If your tire blows out and you hit a telephone pole how much would it cost to replace that pole without going through insurance?

alot telephone poles are like $20,000