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lamb yeah yeah quak

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the toucan is adapted to its environment.

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Q: Does a toucan have any special behavioral adaptations?
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Behavioral Adaptations of a gecko?

it can vary in the way it reacts to any stimulus. they have very distinct personalities

What is the Definition for Behavioral Adaptation?

Behavioral adaptation is an adaptation that helps an organism enhance either survival or reproduction. Adaptations, behavioral or structural, are genetically-based and thus can be passed on from generation to generation. Behavioral adaptations are those adaptations that have a behavioral/action component to them. While an adaptation is any trait that changes to better suit the organism for its environment, it is important to understand that adaptations are different than an acclimation. An adaptation, behavioral or otherwise, takes several generations to develop, while an organism can become acclimated to conditions within its lifetime. Becoming more "used to" colder temperatures by the end of wintertime is considered an acclimation.

Are there any special adaptations to life in the coniferous forest?

Yes there are.

Does a lion have any special adaptations that help it survive?

his claws and his jaw

What are some structural and behavioral adaptations that animals have in the desert?

Structural adaptations include kidneys capable of functioning with very little water, large ears to lose excess heat, etc. Any structure that helps an animal conserve water and stay cool counts. Behavioral adaptations include hiding in burrows during the day and foraging at night to avoid the heat.

The behavoriol adaptations of a swordfish?

Behavioral adaptations of a swordfish or any other animal help it to avoid predators and survive in its natural habitat. Behavioral adaptations include migration, and using high-frequency calls to communicate with other swordfish.

Can adaptations be structural and behavioral?

yes. It can be both behavioral and physical.well yes it can be both.Because they cant do actionn sometimes they have change sometimes and some times do both.Yes, adaptations can both be behavioral and structural.

How do you make a toucan out of clay?

you het clay from a craft store or any store and you look at a picture of a toucan and try your best to make the toucan.

What special adaptations does the raccoon have to help it succeed in its environment?

the special adaptation is there claws because it is harder then a monkey so it can help them attack any animal that what's to eat then or any human that what to do harm to the raccoon's.

Are there any Birds starting with t?

* Toucan * Titwillow

How are gerbil's kidneys adapted?

Gerbils have evolved special kidneys and some other adaptations to survive with very little, if any, water.

Does the mustang have any special adaptations?

It has nice rims and can move at 210 miles per hour. It also has a nice engine and spoiler.