

Does a tulip produce more than just one color?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Tulips not only come in many different colors, but some tulips produce more than one color in a single flower! Take a look at the lovely photo links below to see a rainbow of tulip colors.

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Q: Does a tulip produce more than just one color?
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Especially valued were the bi-colored tulips, known as 'broken' tulips. Tulip bulbs naturally produce only solid color blooms. If aphids infest the bulb, an insect-borne disease causes the flower's color to streak in broken lines against white petals. As the bulb blooms year after year, the streaked patterns change, becoming more erratic. But the disease also weakens the bulb, killing the plant prematurely.

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Depending on your climate, you'll plant the tulip bulb in the Fall in order that it can cool off in the ground over the Winter. When the soil warms, the tulip will bloom. You can learn more, below.

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Will one tulip bulb produce more than one flower?

Up until now, most tulips produced only one flower per bulb. There are new tulip varieties though that are producing more than one flower on a stem. These are more likely to be found in gardening catalogs rather than in the box store around the corner. Also, bulbs multiply underground and each sends up its own plant with a flower. The resulting clump of tulip plants can fool the eye into thinking there are more than one flower on a stem.

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(Apex Learning) A white cat and a black cat having grey kittens.

What is the best variety of red Tulip bulbs?

The tulip flower offers a multitude of different bulbs for every garden. The Unicum has a bright red-orange bloom, and requires full sun and well-drained soil. The Fusilier requires the same conditions as the Unicum but offers a quieter, more subdued color that some would call faded. There are many more that are derived from and in the same family as these.

Can rabbits eat tulip petals?

No, rabbits can't eat tulip bulbs; tulips are toxic for rabbits. See the related link and question below for more info.

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beta carotene gives milk its golden color; some dairy breeds produce more than others.

Do tulips reproduce sexually?

To produce a tulip exactly like the parent use a small bulbil that will grow from the parent. If you want to try and produce a worthwhile new cultivar grow some from the seed of the parent.

How much is the us f rate tulip stamp worth when the colors are out of register?

Much more. What you are describing is a color shift, which is considered an E.F.O. (Error, Freak or Oddity). Which are more valuable. The more dramatic the color shift the more valuable the stamp. I would recommend going to eBay and check the prices of EFO stamps to get a general idea of what it could be worth. (Probably from a few dollars to $100's defending of the color shift.)