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A verb can do all three. eg The boy plays footballThe boy is a good player The boy has a red shirt And there are other possibilities too: "John, you clean up that mess!" The verb is still the verb, even in John never does what he is told. "Will Margaret help me with my math homework?" Margaret is not acting, the verb isn't saying anything about what Margaret is, and it says nothing about what Margaret has.

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Q: Does a verb state what the subject does is or has in a sentence?
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What part of the sentence states what the subject does in a sentence?

The verb in the sentence states what the subject does. The verb is the action or state of being that the subject performs or undergoes.

What contains a subject and a verb?

A sentence contains a subject and a verb. The subject is typically the person or thing performing the action in the sentence, while the verb expresses the action or state of being of the subject.

Where can you find the subject and verb in a sentence?

The subject is often near the start of a sentence: it is the thing or person that the sentence is about, and for an action verb, it is the thing or person performing the action. The verb is the action or state described in the sentence: what the subject does or is.

What is the most important verb in a sentence?

The most important verb in a sentence is the main verb, as it expresses the action or state of being of the subject. It is the central element that drives the meaning and structure of the sentence.

What the verb and subject does in a sentence?

In a sentence, the verb is the action word that expresses what the subject is doing or the state of being. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action described by the verb. For example, in the sentence "She sings beautifully," "sings" is the verb, and "She" is the subject.

What 3 things are in a sentence?

A subject (who or what the sentence is about), a verb (action or state of being), and a complete thought (expressing a single idea or message).

Is am a helping linking or action verb?

"Am" is a linking verb. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence to a noun or an adjective that describes or renames the subject. In this case, "am" links the subject to a description of identity or state.

What does the verb tell the subject?

The verb in a sentence typically tells us what the subject is doing or what is happening to the subject. It conveys the action or state of being performed by the subject.

What is the subject and verb of this sentence the gold rush brought thousands of miners and settlers to the state?

subject = the gold rush verb = brought

Can a verb make a statement about the subject of a sentence?

Yes, a verb is an essential component of a sentence that conveys an action or a state of being performed by the subject. It provides information about what the subject is doing or the condition it is in.

What is a verb sentence?

A verb sentence is a sentence that contains a verb, which expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being. It typically consists of a subject (the one performing the action) and a verb (the action itself). For example, "She is running" is a verb sentence because it includes the subject "she" and the verb "running."

What is the definition of a verb in a sentence?

A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It is an essential element that conveys the action of the subject or links the subject to further information in the sentence.