

Does a vulture eat animals and plants?

Updated: 3/24/2020
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13y ago

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I am not compleatly sure but I think that vultures are strictly carnivors, of in other words only eat meat.

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Q: Does a vulture eat animals and plants?
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What are animals that eat dead plants or animals?

Vultures eat dead animals and that's the only animal i know.

Do vulture eat nuts?

NO they eat dead animals.

What animals eat vulture?

It doesnt have many enemies but occasionally some larger animals such as the hawk or coyote may eat it a vulture.

Are vulture grazer?

they are scavenger. they eat dead animals..

Can an antelope eat a vulture?

If it's dead, then yes. Probably not if it is alive. A vulture can eat anything that is dead.

Is a vulture considered a decomposer?

A turkey vulture picks the meat off of dead animals. Therefore, it is a consumer.

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No, detrivores are animals that eat the remains of organic material like a Vulture, producers make their own 'food' like plants. Hope this helped!

What do dead animals and plants eat?

Scavengers are what the animals that eat dead plants and animals are called. A vulture and starfish are some examples.

Would a vulture eat carrion?

Yes that is what vultures eat, they feed of the carcases of dead animals but do not kill these animals themselves.

How the animals get their food?

Herbivores (Horse, Cow, Rabbit) eat plant based foods such as grass, leaves, roots, fruits, etc. Carnivores (Lion, Snake, Vulture) eat other animals that they kill or find dead. Omnivores (Bear, Ants, Humans) eat both plants and animals.

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

When animals eat a variety of plants?

No. If they are carnivores, they eat meat and animals. If they are herbivores, they eat plants. If they are omnivores, they eat meat, animals, and plants.