

Does a wolf's howl echo

Updated: 12/9/2022
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16y ago

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Yes, when the conditions allow it to.

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Q: Does a wolf's howl echo
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What is the howling about?

wolfs howl when to indicate that were every they are it is the property.

Do cats howl at the moon?

Gold fish. Joke. WOlfs howl at the moon

How loud is a blood hounds howl?

as loud as ECHO ECHO

What is a wolf sound?

They probably the wolfs howl or the whimper

Why might a wolf like its howl?

The wolfs howl is its voice, and sometimes it's mating call. It is the song the wolf's life. The wolf also uses it to locate other wolves or his/her pack. Or to howl in pain

How do you use echo in a sentence?

The girl yelled in her garage and she heard her self echo

What animal's call has no echo?

A wolf's howl doesn't have an echo because of the frequency. Also a duck's quack doesn't echo (Actually a duck's quack will echo. Google Mythbusters - they did research on this.)

What does a wolf's howl mean when it howls?

Wolf most commonly means the Gray wolf, Canis lupus. This is a species of canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa.

How do red wolfs communicate?

they usually stand by the edge of their habitational area/zone and howl away from it to call their relatives back to them

What do foxs say?

Foxes have over 40 sounds including chirping and barking

What does the howler monkey howl sound like?

A howl can sound like something like "Aroo"... It starts like a grumble in the throat, then it begins at a low "arr", then a more high pitch with the "oo". Finally it goes back down to a low sound "ooow".

What happens at night time?

At night time some children's parents go to their work,the half moon will be full moon and the wolfs will howl as we don't hear them and finally the lampost that lights when its dark,it unglues