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Q: Does a worm have eyes or antennae?
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What do spiders have instead of antennae?

a lot of eyes

Does a spider have antennae?

no instead they have many pairs of eyes

How do isopods locate appropriate environments?

The isopods locate their appropriate environments using their compound eyes and their antennae. The isopods locate their appropriate environments using their compound eyes and their antennae.

How many eyes does a snail have?

snails have 2 eyes one on each end of the tentacle

Which appendages are found on insects but not on arachnids?

Antennae and compound eyes are appendages that insects have and that arachnids lack.Specifically, insects have three (3) pairs of legs and one (1) pair of antennae. In contrast, spiders have four (4) sets of legs and no antennae. They also see through a series of singular, lensed eyes whereas insects have compound eyes.

How many eyes do a worm have?


Does an earthworm have legs eyes antennae and a hard surface?

No, they do not. They have hairlike setae that anchors them to the ground, but no legs. Their skin is light sensitive. No antennae, and no hard surface.

What is in a spiders head?

in a spiders head, they have eight eyes, eight legs, and no antennae.

How many eyes does a worm have?

None if you mean eyes.... they don't have any

Where are snails found?

Snail eyes are found on the tip of the larger set of antennae for the typical garden snail. These antennae are called the eye stalks.

What worm has a cross-eyes appearance?

Planaria. =)

What is your name you have no legs and no eyes but can move?

A worm?