

Does a yeast infection cause a smelly menstrual?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, a yeast infection can cause bad vaginal odour so add the stronger scent of menstruation and the fact that menstrual flow can further impact on vaginal flora then it can cause bad odour. However most of the time bad odour during menstruation is due to poor hygiene or using unhealthy menstrual products such as tampons or commercial menstrual pads (rather than menstrual cups, softcups, cloth menstrual pads, or organic menstrual pads).

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No, a yeast infection is not a sign that you are starting your period.Menstruation is controlled by you menstrual cycle which is to do with reproductive organs and hormones, although hormonal changes can effect vaginal pH it can't cause a yeast infection. A yeast infection is simply an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in your vagina, it's not a sign of your period - if it were you'd get a yeast infection every cycle. Remember once your period starts no using tampons with a vaginal infection.

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No, yeast infections cannot cause your period to be late.Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycles, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your brain and reproductive organs, your menstrual cycle should continue as normal whether you have a yeast infection or not. A yeast infection is just a vaginal infection, when naturally occurring yeast in your vagina overgrows and causes irritation - just treat the infection. If your period is late it is due to something else, maybe stress or ill health but if sexually active pregnancy is a possibility too.

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No a yeast infection do not do that. but talking about erections, if you have a yeast infection you should not have sex with another person since you can give it to them.

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