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Q: Does accommodate have double consonants that represent two units of sound?
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Does accord have double consonants that represent two units of sound?

Some may pronounce "accordion" as "ACK-cor-dee-unn", but usually it and (the car name) "accord" have a single "c" sound as in "uh-CORD".

What are the meanings of the Hebrew letters?

The first Hebrew letter is called "Alef" (א). It is a silent letter.

What are consonents dighraphs?

Consonant digraphs are a combination of two consonant letters that together represent a single sound. Common examples include "ch," "sh," "th," and "ph." Digraphs are used to create specific sounds in words that may not be represented by individual letters.

What is a sound formed by two consonants?

a middle-eastern name

What is the name given to velar consonants ng sounds in speech?

It is called a consonant blend or a digraph A consonant blend is when two or more consonants appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make. -- As in fingerprint A digraph is when the two letters represent a single sound. -- As in fang If described according to it's point of articulation it is a velar nasal consonant

What is the name of the hieroglyphic that stands for a constant sound?

hieroglyphics that stood for individual consonants are called uniliterals. There were also characters called biliterals that represented two consonants, and triliterals which represented three consonants.

Repetition of a vowel sound without the repetition of consonants?

This is known as internal rhyme. Internal rhyme occurs when words within the same line or within nearby lines of poetry have the same vowel sounds but different consonant sounds. It can add musicality and emphasis to the language.

Why only vowels can only stressed?

Consonants modify the sound of vowels. The primary sound is always that of the vowel.

How many consonants are there in Hebrew?

There are 22 consontants in the Hebrew alphabet, but several of them have the same sound. For example, there are two different letters for the "k" sound. Modern Hebrew also has 4 additional foreign consonants: ז׳ צ׳ ג׳ and נג

How many double consonants are there in Portuguese?

Do you mean like the "ll" in Spanish? There is only one, "rr". And in Brazil, it makes an "h" sound. Example: carro = car (and is pronounced "KAH-ho")

What are four words that contain a double c that make the k sound?

accurate accuracy account accountant accord accomplish accomplishment accrue accuse accommodate accommodations

What language was known for their click sound?

Khoisan , known for their use of klick consonants