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Q: Does acetaminophen contain aspirin or any drug that may harm kidneys?
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Does Cyclobenzaprine have aspirin?

There are no concerns with taking these two drugs together. The only reactions listed for this drug are with central nervous system depressants and MAOI's aspirin is not part of either of these groups.

What does antipyretic mean?

A drug that lowers fever, like aspirin or acetaminophen.

Can acetaminophen test positive hair drug test?

Acetaminophen is one of the few nonprescription pain relievers that WON'T show up on a drug test--that and aspirin.

Does Tylenol contain acetaminophen?

Tylenol IS Acetaminophen. Tylenol is just the brand name. Acetaminophen is the drug.

Does TRAMADOL hcl have aspirin?

Tramadol does not contain aspirin or acetaminophen. Tramadol hydrochloride is actually a opioid agonist, while not an actual opioid, it is a synthetic analgesic compound that is thought to bind to opioid receptors in the body.

Does arithritus Tylenol contain aspirin?

Standard Tylenol is a proprietary (brand) name for acetaminophen (USA) or paracetamol as it's known in the rest of the world. There's no Aspirin at all in there. Also, don't take Tylenol(acetaminophen) with other acetaminophen products. You might exceed the daily recommended limits. Excess use causes liver damage. Read every label carefully (cough syrup, etc.). Also, Tylenol does not help prevent cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke). Aspirin (acetasalicylic acid) does. The active ingredient in Tylenol is acetaminophen. Aspirin - also known as acetylsalicylic acid (abbreviated ASA), is a salicylate drug. There are some brands of pain killer such as Excederin that contain both Tylenol and Aspirin.

Does zithromax contain acetaminophen?

Amoxicillin does not have acetaminophen, as acetaminopheni is a different drug

Is acetaminophen with codeine classified as a narcotic?

Acetaminophen is a medicine used to relieve pain and reduce fever.DescriptionThis drug is available without a prescription. Acetaminophen-or APAP-is sold under various brand names, including Tylenol, Panadol, Aspirin Free Anacin, and Bayer Select Maximum Strength Headache Pain Relief Formula. Many multi-symptom cold, flu, and sinus medicines also contain acetaminophen. Check the ingredients listed on the container to see if acetaminophen is included in the product.Studies have shown that acetaminophen relieves pain and reduces fever about as well as aspirin. But differences between these two common drugs exist. Acetaminophen is less likely than aspirin to irritate the stomach. However, unlike aspirin, acetaminophen does not reduce the redness, stiffness, or swelling that accompany arthritis.Source:

Is lortab and tyl with codine the same and will it show up as the same thing on the drug test?

No, they are not. They both contain a narcotic analgesic combined with the nonnarcotic analgesic acetaminophen (Tylenol). Lortab contain hydrocodone and acetaminophen and Tylenol #3 contain codeine and acetaminophen. A drug test would screen for both codeine and hydrocodone.

Does hydrocodone contain acetaminophen?

i don't know my grandma needs to know Hydrocodone can be combined with aspirin. But hydrocodone is a drug itself, that does not contain any aspirin. Check the packaging, does it contain just hydrocodone in the ingredients? or does it have other ingredients. Paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen are all drugs that can be added to help prevent the abuse of the drug.

What is an analgestic?

An analgesic is a type of pain drug. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Acetaminophen are all analgesic drugs.

Does Advil have acetaminophen?

No, Advil contains ibuprofen which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Acetaminophen is found in products such as Tylenol.