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Just the opposite, alcohol makes things look blurry and confusing.

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Q: Does alcohol affect vision by sharpening eye focus?
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Does alcohol affect your sight after a few drinks?

It doesn't affect your sight so much as it affects your reaction speed and ability to focus clearly.

Does getting high affect an eye exam?

That depends on what drugs or alcohol you have consumed, and to what extent. They can both have a major effect on one's ability to focus.

The vision area that allows you to read and identify distinct objects is?

Focal or Focus Vision

What was the focus of prohibition?

prohibition focus was stopping the legality of alcohol consumption.

Is peripheral vision the same as binocular vision?

No: peripheral vision is the vision you are not really aware of, that is the bits around the edges of your vision. Binocular vision is using two eyes together to focus on an object in front of you.

How do you spell proifial vision?

It is spelled "peripheral vision" (the image area outside the primary visual focus).

What is the vision and mission of ashok leyland?

The vision and mission statements of Ahsok Leyland focus on becoming a leader in the commercial vehicle market. They focus offering the best product at the most reasonable price.

How do you differ between vision and mission?

Vision describes the desired future state or long-term goals of an organization, while mission defines the core purpose or reason for the organization's existence. Vision is aspirational and focuses on what the organization aims to achieve, whereas mission highlights what the organization does to fulfill its vision.

How a persons's vision be affected if they could not use the muscles that surround the eye?

It's a little difficult to figure out what you mean. If you mean the muscles surrounding the lens, they affect focus. Loss of near vision due to aging is because of that lack of focus. If you mean muscles in the eyeball, you could have wandering eyes or crossed eyes. You might have trouble tracking smoothly or changing focus from near to far. If you mean the muscles surrounding the eye, you can actually have muscle tone so low (as in myasthenia gravis) that the eyelids droop and the person has blurred or double vision.

What is emmetropia?

Emmetropia is basically normal vision, or a state of vision in which far objects are in sharp focus, with the eye lens in a normal state.

Which condition is a vision defect in which light rays focus in front of the retina?
