

Does alcohol lead to dependency

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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There are differing theories on this issue.

Some people, it is known, will become alcohol-dependent after very little exposure to alcohol. Others seem to be able to drink heavily for a time, and then cease doing so with no apparent effort.

It is known that Alcoholism (and perhaps other forms of addiction) is strongly hereditary. If a person has an alcoholic parent, there seems to be roughly a 25% chance that the individual will become addicted after sufficient exposure. This is complicated, however, by the issues of not knowing family histories of drinking in many cases, and it is not at this time possible to say with certainty what the percentages are, nor to tell who is most prone to addiction. When definitive DNA markers are found, it will help resolve this issue.

Equally, we are unsure whether a so-called "normal" person can become an alcoholic simply by drinking a lot for a long period of time. You can see where there could be a good deal of confusion in making such a determination.

So the answer to your question, for the time being, has to be "sometimes, but not always."

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