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Yes it does

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Q: Does all living matter reproduce and need energy?
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Why do cells in all living things need energy?

Because the cells themselves need energy to perform their specific function, and to reproduce!

What are 3 things shared by living things?

They are made of cells, they need energy, they reproduce.

What characteristic are shared by all living things?

All living things need energy, respond to the environment, and have the ability to reproduce.

Where do living thing get the energy they need?

From the food they consume. Living things need food and water to exist and thrive.

What all living things need?

all living things need to survive and to eat <3 All living things need to respire and reproduce.

Which are characteristics of all living things?

They are made of cells and need energy. They respond to their environment and can reproduce, and they can also grow and develop.

What are the living things?

They need to respire, obtain energy to develop, excrete, reproduce, respond to the (changes in) environment and will grow eventually die.

What does an organism need to carry out to be considered living?

A living organism needs to be able to grow and develop, use energy, get rid of waste, reproduce, and adapt of changes in an environment.

Why do living organisms need living space?

organisms need a living space so that they can reproduce and protect themselves

Why do living things need to reproduce but not non living things?

actually non living thing do reproduce, just differently. say a plant for instance, that reproduces. anything that doesn't need to reproduce (like a twig or log) then it has evolved not to because it is either dead or doesnt need to reproduce.

What are the characteisticsf living things?

They need to respire, obtain energy to develop, excrete, reproduce, respond to the (changes in) environment and will grow eventually die.

Can human action cause weathering?

human is living things human has live human can reproduce human need energy human need water and food human can grow