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All flat maps do, globes do not.

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Q: Does all map of earth distort the shapes and sizes of landmasses?
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What projection shows all of earth with nearly the true sizes and shapes of the continents and oceans?

The Robinson projection is a compromise projection that shows most of the Earth's landmasses and oceans with relatively accurate sizes and shapes, while minimizing distortion. It strikes a balance between preserving spatial relationships and minimizing distortion across the globe.

Which map projection splits the Earth's oceans apart for the sake of showing the sizes and shapes of the Earth's continents more accurately?

The Robinson projection splits the Earth's oceans apart in order to more accurately represent the sizes and shapes of the continents. This projection is a compromise projection that tries to balance the accurate representation of both landmasses and oceans.

Are the shapes and sizes of the continents or the waterways shown more accurately on the Robinson projection map?

The Robinson projection map shows the shapes of the continents more accurately than the Mercator projection map, but both distort the sizes of landmasses, making areas near the poles appear larger than they are. Waterways and continents are more accurately depicted in size and shape on specialized maps like the Winkel Tripel projection, which aims to balance size and shape distortions.

What are sizes shapes and positions of the continents changed by?

The sizes, shapes, and positions of continents are changed by the movement of tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid layer of the Earth's mantle, causing them to drift and collide over millions of years. This movement results in continental drift, leading to the formation of new landmasses, mountain ranges, and ocean basins.

What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans changed by?


The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


What are som advantages and disadvantages of a mercator projection and of an equal area projection?

advantages: correctly shows the relative sizes of Earth's landmasses disadvantages: has distortion shows the landmasses near the edges stretched and curved

Which projection show shape of landmasses most accurately?

There is no map that shows all of the land masses correct shapes. Cylindrical projections will show land masses accurately if they are close to the equator. Planar will show them correctly at the center of the map. And conic projection will show the poles accurately. If you really need perfect sizes, use a globe (: hope that helped!

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

Why do shells have different shapes and sizes?

This is because the animals which live in them have different shapes and sizes.

Why are animal earsall different sizes and shapes?

Because animals are all different shapes and sizes