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Q: Does amitriptyline affect serotonin levels
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Hydroxyzine decreases serotonin levels as it a serotonin antagonist.

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What are normal serotonin levels?

There still exist no known norms for serotonin levels, as these vary widely among individuals.

How does amitriptyline affect blood sugar?

It doesn't do so, directly. However, amitriptyline does promote weight gain in some people, and a secondary effect of weight gain can be the development of diabetes. In this manner, rising blood glucose levels may occur.

Is it safe to take amitriptyline?

No, it is not safe, since the stimulatory effects of MDMA will be potentiated with Amitriptyline being an SNRI (increased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine) which can lead to hypertension, tachycardia and other symptoms of CNS oversimulation.

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How can serotonin be tested?

Serum serotonin levels can be obtained (as ordered by a physician or nurse practitioner or physician assistant). However, serum serotonin levels do not possess much utililty since they vary widely - some people having low levels despite being on significant doses of setonergic medications, and other people have high levels despite being on very low doses.

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wat is antytriptiline?

Amitriptyline is a type of drug called a tricyclic antidepressant. These drugs were originally developed to treat anxiety and depression, but when taken at a low dose they can reduce or stop pain. Amitriptyline works by increasing the amount of serotonin your brain makes.

When you are depressed what happens to the levels of serotonin?

You have it backward I believe. When serotonin is lower, people have more risk to experience depression.