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Only if you are being tested for female hormones.

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You took birth control pills before taking a pregnancy test will that affect it?

Birth control pills have no effect on pregnancy tests.

Can you take a pregnancy test a week before your first white pills?

Yes. Birth control pills do not affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests.

Will the birth control shot show up in a drug test?

grow a pair and have a baby instead of using birth control shots.

Do birth control pills affect hcg levels?

No. Birth control is made with estrogen and progesterone hormones. The pregnancy tests look for HCG, a completely different hormone. If you have enough HCG in your system, it will show on the test, regardless of how much or how little estrogen or progesterone you have inside your system.

What birth control is better clear blue or first response?

They're of approximately the same effectiveness at birth control ... none whatsoever ... since they're both pregnancy tests, not birth control devices.

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative but I still feel pregnant?

Should I stop birth control if my tests came back negative, but I still feel pregnant, but haven't missed a period yet?

Can birth control pills make you fail a drug test?

no. when you take a drug test anyway you must always state if you are taking any medication.

Can steroid injections cause a false pregnancy?

Birth control shots cannot cause falsely positive pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests measure hCG (human corionic gonatotropin). Birth control shots contain entirely different hormones.

Do drug tests for jobs test for male or female urine?

no, but some hormone pills like birth control pills affect the urine pH, and lab can find out if male use female urine

Can you still have a positive pregnancy test after having a miscarriage while on birth control?

Absolutely! While birth control does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, the body will still have some pregnancy hormone (hCG) that will show up in blood or urine pregnancy tests even after a miscarriage. As the levels drop, the test will eventually become negative.

Does Depo-Provera affect the accuracy of a ovulation test?

Yes. Depo Provera changes the level of sex hormones. It is meant to prevent ovulation. YOu can't rely on ovulation tests while using hormonal birth control.

Im pretty sure im pregnant but all the home tests you take say no could that be because im still taking birth control and would it make you keep having your period?

Well if you think you are pregnant you should stop taking birth control and go have a blood test done. The birth control could cause birth defects or even a miscarriage. The tests could be coming up false because of the birth control... but the only way to find out is go to the doctors and get a blood test done.