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Q: Does an abcessed tooth cause fatigue?
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Can abcessed tooth cause dizziness?

Yes, it can even kill you.

Can abscess teeth cause strokes or brain aneurysm?

Yes, abcessed tooth cause heart problem.

Can you take bactrim and ibuprofen together for an abcessed tooth?


What is the most common cause of dogs having bad breath?

Peridontal disease or abcessed tooth. Have your veterinarian check your dogs mouth. it may require a scaling and polishing as well as possible extractions.

What are the symptoms that a severe abcessed tooth has gone to the brain?

Delerium, Death, loss of motor or neurological function such as speech !!

What happens if you decide not to get the teeth pulled that the dentist suggested you get pulled?

Worst case an abcessed tooth... which is horrifyingly painful.

Can you get poision in your body from a tooth?

yes. If your tooth has an infection called an abcess, it can travel into the bloodstream. Abcessed teeth need to be extracted or treated with a root canal or periodontal treatment.

If in the upper right side of your gum there is round liquidy thing that if you touch it hurts what can this be?

Sounds like an abcessed tooth. You should go to a dentist and have it checked.

Help you have white stuff under your wobbly tooth and it kills?

Your gums bright red too? It's probably abcessed. See a dentist immediately!

Which organelle would cause fatigue?

The organelle that would cause fatigue is called the mitochondria. However, it will only cause fatigue if there's a defect in it.

Can cephalexin be used to treat tooth abscess or a gum infection from food lodged in gum?

Yes, but you should see a doctor to have the cause of the infection removed and not just take some cephalexin you may have left over from something else! You should be treated for 7-14 days for this to work properly.