

Does an adult have to be with you to get emancipated?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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This isn't something you just walk into an office and do.

# You have to live in a state that allows emancipation # You have to meet the requirements for a specific state, which may include having an adult file the paperwork for you # You have to show the court you can support yourself, without help from others and becoming a burden on the state.

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Q: Does an adult have to be with you to get emancipated?
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Can an adult get emancipated?

An adult doesn't need to get emancipated.

Can an emancipated minor have a relationship with an adult?

No, emancipated or not. It's wrong and a crime for the adult.

Can you leave the state when emancipated?

Once you are emancipated, you are an adult. You can go where you wish.

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if you are 19 there is no need to be emancipated you are already a legal adult

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No. An emancipated minor is legally an adult.

What do you have to be to leave home?

Adult age or emancipated minor.

When emancipated and away from parents does the state consider you an adult when going to high school?

When you are emancipated you are considered an adult in everything you do- including any crimes you commit, so I'd recommend not stealing. You'll be tried as an adult.

Are you an emancipated minor after you have a baby in mi?

Having a baby does not make one 18 years old. You have to be an adult to be emancipated.

How do to get emancipated from my parents at 22?

You don't have to do anything. You were emancipated when your reached the age of majroity in your state or country.

Can a chid be emancipated at age 20?

Typically a child is emancipated when they reach the age of 18. There would be no reason to emancipate them, they are an adult.

When emancipated does that mean your legal consent age is viewed as if you were 18 as well in WA?

A minor that has been legally emancipated is considered an adult. They may enter into contracts like any other adult.

Can an emancipated minor go to jail?

Yes, an emancipated minor can still face legal consequences and go to jail if they break the law. Emancipation only grants the minor certain adult rights but does not exempt them from legal responsibility.