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To be scientifically proven, however for your own observations and interests not really. To make a scientific hypthosis into a fact and eventually a lawyour experiment must be repeatable by other scientists (explorers/pioneers of our world

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Q: Does an experiment need to have results that can be repeated?
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Which shows that the results of an experiment are reliable?

An experiment in which the results are repeatable....apex

Does an experiment need to be repeatable?

It is only science if it can be repeated, so yes, experiments do need to be repeatable in order for something to be proven. The results of the experiment should be comperable if something is to be learned.

How does a controlled experiment?

It works when repeated to get results that are the same

Which experiment most likely has greater reliability?

D) Number 2 because the experiment was repeated and the results were always the same

What kind of experiment produces the most reliable results?

One that can be repeated.

Which condition is necessary for an experiment to yield useful data?

similar results should be obtained when the experiment is repeated .

What should you do if repeated trials give very different results?

If , in the course of your experiment, you run repeated trials with differing results, it is necessary to ensure that only one variable is changing for each experiment. Recheck the data collected for errors.

Why do experiment need to be repeated?

Your experiment must be able to be repeated so you can conduct multiple trials, thus eliminating errors. It must also be able to be replicated so other scientists can repeat it themselves.

Why should quantitative experiments be repeated?

Quantitative experiments should be repeated to make sure they are accurate. This also helps to get rid of outliers in the experiment.

l need the answers?

why should an experiment be repeated

What is the meaning of getting the same results on repeated trials?

If you repeat the experiment and you get different results, then the accuracy of your first trial is not correct.

Why did Wilhelm roentgen repeat his experiment before describing his results to others?

He repeated his experiment because he wanted to make sure that it worked perfectly before describing the results to others.