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No. The incandescent bulb uses electrical energy and the light stick uses chemical energy.

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Q: Does an incandescent bulb and a light stick use the same form of energy to create light?
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Is it correct to say that an incandescent bulb and a light stick use the same form of energy to create light Why or why not?

No. One is chemical energy, the other is electrical energy.

Can heat add energy to the chemical reaction on a light stick?

can heat add energy to the chemical reaction in a glwo stick

Which example involves the transformation of chemical energy directly into light energy?

A glow stick

What energy change occurs during burning a match stick?

chemical energy to light and heat energy

What are some examples of chemical energy being converted into light energy?

A perfect example is a common glow stick. In a glow stick, phenyl oxalate, fluorescent dye, and hydrogen peroxide mix to produce a chemiluminescent reaction (generating light from chemical energy).

Which device converts chemical potential energy into light?

A glow stick is one example.

What energy conversion occurs when a stick of dynamite explodes?

Chemical energy into heat, light, sound and very rapid motion.

What type of energy dose a light stick have?

Assuming that you are referring to non-electric light sticks, it is chemical energy. The reaction is started by mechanical energy (cracking the stick). The chemical nature of glow sticks is also evident in the fact that they die down eventually after the reactants are used up.

Does temperature effect the brightness of a glowstick?

Yes it is. If you put a activated glow stick in hot water the atoms in a glow stick will start to move around. The plastic will expand letting the atoms move. When the atoms move they create energy, energy equals bright light. If you were to put the activated glow stick in room temperature water it would not be as bright. The atoms will stay the same. If you were to put a activated glow stick in cold water the atoms won't move. They will huddle together. No movement means no energy which means no brightness. You are welcome :)

When the match stick is struck against the match box it gets lit what energy is converted into light and heat?


Where can you get pivit light sabers?

Pivit is actually Pivot, which is a software program that allows you to animate stick figures. You can create them to have light saber battles. You can download this software directly from the Internet.

What was the original purpose of the glow stick?

the original purpose of glow sticks was to just create light because At the time it was quite a remarkable achievement because either electrical mains or battery were the energy sources for most light producing devices. so when glow sticks were created; something that provides light without the use of electricity it was quite astonishing.