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Q: Does an orange have to be peeled to rot?
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Witch floats a peeled orange or an unpeeled orange?

A peeled orange floats A not peeled orange sinks

Why does a peeled orange sinks?

the peeled orange have less density as compare to unpeeled orange that why the peeled orange sink in water

What is the verb of the sentence She peeled the orange carefully?


What floats a peeled orange or a unpeeled orange?

The orange sinks when it is peeled. The skin contains airbags that help it remain afloat. When the skin is peeled the air bags no longer remain there and the orange will sink. The orange sinks when it is peeled. The skin contains airbags that help it remain afloat. When the skin is peeled the air bags no longer remain there and the orange will sink.

What floats a peeled or a unpeeled orange?

The orange sinks when it is peeled. The skin contains airbags that help it remain afloat. When the skin is peeled the air bags no longer remain there and the orange will sink. The orange sinks when it is peeled. The skin contains airbags that help it remain afloat. When the skin is peeled the air bags no longer remain there and the orange will sink.

Does an apple or banana rot faster outside?

If neither has been peeled/bitten, the banana. If they've been peeled/bitten, the apple.

What is more dense a peeled orange or an unpeeled one?

an orange with skin

How long does is take for a orange to germinate?

how long does a orange to rot in the winter

Why is a peeled orange heavier than an unpeeled orange?

Once the oxygen hits it the liquid inside absorbes it

What rots worse orange with salt or orange with pepper?

Orange with pepper,salt preserves there for pepper would rot it out

How long does it take for an orange to rot?

It takes 2 hours to digest an orange.

Why does orange rot in the refrigerator?

because it needs air to work