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Q: Does anaerobic energy production provide high power for a short duration?
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Production of energy without oxygen is called?


What are the two common end production for anaerobic respiration?

energy and lactic acid.

Anaerobic exercise utilizes oxygen for energy production?

Chemical energy. The currency of metabolism is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is responsible for all human muscular mechanical activity. However, the type of energy is very simply "chemical".

When oxygen delivery to the cell is impaired which pathway is used for energy production?

anaerobic respiration

The main advantage that aerobic respiration has over anaerobic respiration is the production of?

more energy psg

What fuels is least preferred by the cells for energy production during highly anaerobic exercise?


Is sprint aerobic or anaerobic?

Anaerobic. The sprint uses creatine phosphate and glycolysis metabolisms to provide the energy, both of which proceed without oxygen.

The anaerobic pathways provide enough energy to meet all of the energy needs of?

many unicellular and some multicellular organisms

Why is yeast used to make beer and wine?

Yeast is used to produce the alcohol in beer and wine. Yeast is a fungus that feeds on sugars to create energy for itself. When the yeast is deprived of oxygen, as it is in the production of beer and wine, it uses a process called anaerobic respiration to create its energy. The byproducts of anaerobic respiration are ethanol (alcohol) and CO2. This production of alcohol via yeast is called fermentation. Yeast is used in the production of virtually all Alcoholic Beverages.

Is an anaerobic bacterium an organism that will carry out cellular respiration?

Yes, in a sense Cellular respiration is just another term for METABOLISM - The Process of Life. Metabolism will use either of the Respiratory Processes - aerobic or anaerobic {with or without Oxygen} - to make the mandatory energy molecule Atp. Photosynthesis is an aerobic way to provide energy, and Chemosynthesis is the anaerobic way - using, say H2S as the electron donor {instead of say CH4} to produce energy [via the production of Atp] to provide Glucose for Respiration. [It would appear that bacteria at deep-sea-thermal-vents use sulfur to make glucose for Standard Respiration].

Krebs cycle anaerobic or aerobic?

Aerobic. The Krebs cycle is a way of producing ATP using oxygen. The use of oxygen for energy production means Aerobic (as opposed to Anaerobic or without-oxygen).

What the function of mitocondria?

Mitochondria provide energy to cells and provide the location for the production of ATP.