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It means your a swinger

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6mo ago

No, ankle bracelets have no universal meaning or association with marital status. Wearing an ankle bracelet can be a fashion choice or personal preference, and it does not determine one's marital status. Marital status is typically communicated through wedding rings or other explicitly recognized symbols.

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Q: Does ankle bracelets on your right leg mean your not married?
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Can ankle bracelets mean a woman of the night?

Yes, vampires often wear ankle bracelets.

Does it mean you are single if you wear your anklet on the right ankle?

No, that's just something people like to say and have created. Actually, many of my married friends switch between their ankles with the bracelet, but they mostly do wear it on the right ankle.

Does ankle bracelet on your left leg mean your are married?

I don't think wearing an ankle bracelet has the same hard and fast connotations that wearing a wedding band on the left ring finger does. So simply put, no would answer your question. With that being said though, my ex-wife, who had a plethora of ankle bracelets, and wore them all the time, insisted that she wear hers on her left ankle. She insisted she did so because she was married, but there were other reasons. Typically when sitting together, I would be on her left side, and she would be on my right. If she crossed her legs, even nonchalantly, this would put her ankle bracelet on the foot that was elevated where it could be more easily seen. Since I am a person that has strong convictions about marriage and tradition, I think wearing an ankle bracelet on the left ankle if you are married would be a great tradition to start, but I don't think its against any hard and fast fashion rules to be wearing it on say your left ankle if you were unwed.

What is the meaning of a ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle?

There is no specific symbolism behind someone wearing an anklet on the left or right ankle. Most people wear it on their right ankle because they are right handed. But in India, most of the women wear them on both of their ankles.

Does a man wearing an ankle bracelet on your right ankle mean you are gay?

I have a co worker TL who wears a different one every day and who cares if he is gay

Is this sentence right 'At the basketball match one of the players broker their ankle'?

No the word "broker" does not mean to fracture as in a bone. The word should be "broke" as in "one of the players broke their ankle."

The tarsals are the bones that make up the?

The ankle. In Latin, tarsals literally mean the ankle.

What does coupe mean in form of ballet?

It is when your foot is turned out in back right behind your ankle and only your heel touches.

What does keep it wet mean like on those bracelets?

On the bracelets "keep it wet"mean keep your vagina wet. Keep it juicy .

What is eversion of the lower eyelid?

Eversion means turning outward, so eversion of the ankle would mean rotating the right ankle so that the right sole is facing toward the right, and eversion of the eyelid means turning the eyelid inside out so that the inner lining is showing.

What does a dolphin tattoo on the ankle mean?

dolphin on the ankle means dreamer

What does an ankle beater do?

I think you mean ankle biter, which is another name for a toddler