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Q: Does another food vacuole form after one has broken away?
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What does food vacuole do?

site where organic molecules are broken down

How does sarcodine get food?

When the ends of two pseudopods fuse, they form a food vacuole. Food is broken down inside the food vacuole in the cytoplasm.

What is the purpose of a food vacuole?

The food vacuole is also called as digestive vacuole. It is an organelle that can be found in parasites. This is the organelle that causes malaria.

What does the food vacuole do in a paramecium?

the food vacuole helps digest the parameciums food inside the food vacuole

What does a food vacuole in a paramecium do?

Food Vacuole

What is metaphor for vacuole?

A metaphor for vacuole would be a toilet because it stores "food", waste, another materials such as toilet paper.

Analogy for a central vacuole?

An analogy would be like arefrigerator It stores our food away like a central vacuole. Also, I remember it like avacuum Myvacuumstores my dust (waste) and it is stored in the closet! Hope this helps!

What process does a paramecium use to make a food vacuole?

They use their food vacuole to produce their food.

What is a food vacuole?

A membrane-bound vacuole (as in an ameba) where ingested food is digested.

Organelle used to store digested food and water?

The organelle used to store digested food and water is known as the vacuole. The food is released and broken down whenever the cells need it.

Which organelle in cells stores food?

the vacuole stores the food and the liquid in a cell.

How does a amoeba use a food vacuole?

Enzymes move into the vacuole to digest food, and the digested food passes into the amoeba