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Antiochus was the name of the king of the Seleucid Empire in Syria.

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Q: Does antiochus mean king of Syria or Hanukkah or leaders of the Jewish army?
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Why did the Hebrews object to the orders of king Antiochus?

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Was the Jewish temple In Syria?

No, it was in Jerusalem, where a retaining wall still stands (the Western Wall).

What countries were conquered by leaders Cyrus?

no, it was Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.

Where is Ernest Hamwi from?

Syria. Hamwi, Hamway anr typical Syrian (often Jewish) last names.

What is the population of Jews in Syria?

There used to be a Jewish population of 30,000-35,000 Jews in 1940, but there are currently no Jews in Syria aside from incidental foreigners. The overwhelming majority of Syrian Jews fled Syria in 1950 to come to Israel, France, or the United States.

What countries were conquered by leaders under Cyrus the Great?

The countreis that were conquered by leaders under Cyrus the Great were Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.

What countries were conquered by leaders under Cyrus?

no, it was Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and the Phoenician cities.

Is CNN IDESK host hala gorani a Jew?

"No, as far as I know she is from Syria and later studied in France." Actually she was born in USA but grew up in Paris. She studied in USA and France. Her parents were from Aleppo, Syria. Saying that she is not Jewish because she's from Syria (or has syrian roots) is insufficient and untrue, because this statement ignores the possibility that she nevertheless could be jewish simply because Syria (like most middle eastern countries have or had) jewish minorities (most of them in and around Damascus and Aleppo. it appears that Hala herself never publicly said anything about her religion or religious roots. her religious roots could be one of the religious groups that exist in Syria (muslim, christian, jewish or alawit). Unless somebody shows a reliable source of what religious background Hala has, this question remains UNANSWERED.