


The festival of lights, as it is often called, is a celebration of both Jewish spiritual values and the triumph of the Jews over the armies of Antiochus IV.

984 Questions

Are there nighttime events in Hanukkah?

The main "event" of Hanukkah is the evening candle lighting. (Every night of the 8 nights of Hanukkah the menorah is lit with one more candle; thus on the first evening 1 candle is lit, on the 8th evening 8 candles are lit.)

Candle lighting is done preferably at dusk or as the starts come out. Latecomers can light as long as they have an audience - until dawn.

After candle lighting it is customary to sing songs (like Ma'oz Tzur) and play with a dreidel; a 4 sided Hanukkah-top.

What did Anne give peter for Hanukkah?

Anne gave Peter a scarf she knitted for Hanukkah.

Why did the Frank family celebrate Hanukkah in hiding?

The Frank family celebrated Hanukkah in hiding because they were Jewish and practicing their religion openly could have put them at risk of being discovered by the Nazis during World War II. Celebrating Hanukkah in secret was a way to preserve their faith and traditions while trying to stay safe.

What did anne frank give to each person for Hanukkah?

Anne Frank gave each person in the Secret Annex a homemade coupon as a gift for Hanukkah. Each coupon was redeemable for something personal or special from her, like one hour of undivided attention or a promise to help with a chore.

What do anne franks Hanukkah presents reveal about her?

Anne Frank's Hanukkah presents reveal that she valued thoughtfulness and creativity in gift-giving. Despite the difficult circumstances of their hiding, she was able to find joy and meaning in the small gestures of kindness and generosity. Additionally, her gifts show her desire to connect with her Jewish identity and traditions during a time of great adversity.

How does Anne Frank make Hanukkah special for the group?

Anne Frank makes Hanukkah special for the group by sharing stories and memories of past celebrations, lighting the menorah and saying the traditional prayers, and finding ways to bring a sense of hope and connection during a difficult time of hiding. Her spirit and determination to maintain their traditions and faith uplift the group during the holiday.

What are some common foods of Namibia?

Common foods in Namibia include beef, game meat such as venison and ostrich, maize porridge (pap), as well as local specialties such as biltong (dried and cured meat) and kapana (grilled meat served with salsa). Fish dishes are also popular, with fish from the coast and rivers being commonly used in Namibian cuisine.

What does the menorah symbolize?

The menorah is a symbol of light and divine presence in Judaism. It represents the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days in the Temple after the Maccabean Revolt. Additionally, it is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Why are sufganiyot eaten on Hanukkah?

Sufganiyot are deep-fried doughnuts that are traditionally eaten during Hanukkah. They symbolize the miracle of the oil that burned in the menorah for eight days in the temple of Jerusalem. As oil plays a significant role in the Hanukkah story, the consumption of foods cooked in oil, like sufganiyot, has become a customary way to celebrate the holiday.

What is the typical food served at chanukah?

The typical food served at Hanukkah includes potato latkes (pancakes), sufganiyot (jelly-filled donuts), and fried foods in general to symbolize the miracle of the oil in the Hanukkah story. Dairy products such as cheese and cheesecake are also commonly enjoyed during this holiday.

What is day 6 and 7 of Hanukkah means?

Days 6 and 7 of Hanukkah, known as "Zot Hanukkah" or "The Eighth Day of Hanukkah," hold special significance. On these days, the lighting of the Hanukkah candles continues, and the menorah is fully illuminated with all eight candles. It is a time to reflect on the miracle of the oil in the Temple and to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.

How many candles does it take to observe all the eight nights of Hanukkah?

It takes a total of 44 candles to observe all eight nights of Hanukkah. Each night, one additional candle is added to the menorah, starting with one on the first night and ending with eight on the eighth night.

What do dreidels represent?

Many rabbis have tried to find a historical connection between the dreidel and the Hanukkah story.

One 19th century rabbi proposed that in Ancient times, Jews played with the dreidel in order to fool the Greeks if they were caught studying Torah, which had been outlawed.

The standard explanation is that the letters nun, gimmel, hey, shin, which appear on the dreidel in the Diaspora, stand for nes gadol haya sham--"a great miracle happened there,"while in Israel the dreidel says nun, gimmel, hey, pey, which means "a great miracle happened here."

Is Hanukkah really a bad thing?

No, Hanukkah is not a bad thing. It is a holiday celebrated by Jewish people worldwide to commemorate the miracle of the oil in the temple, where a small amount of oil burned for eight days. Hanukkah is a time of joy, gift-giving, and lighting the menorah.

In the next 9 years will Christmas and Hanukkah fall on the same day?

Hanukkah is an 8 day festival, so it can never fall entirely on the same day as Christmas. But if you are asking for dates when it overlaps with Christmas, the starting dates for Hanukkah in the next few years will be:

  • December 21, 2011
  • December 9, 2012
  • November 28, 2013
  • December 17, 2014
  • December 7, 2015
  • December 25, 2016
  • December 13, 2017
  • December 3, 2018
  • December 23, 2019

The holiday actually begins on the evening BEFORE the dates listed.

When do Hanukkah helpers and magic elves eat?

There is no specific time when Hanukkah helpers and magic elves eat, as they are fictional characters associated with different holiday traditions. In some stories, the elves may eat whenever they please, while others may depict them enjoying meals during festive occasions.

What is the only foods you can eat during Hanukkah?

There are no food restrictions during Channukah. However, there are foods that are traditionally eaten during this holiday.

The first types of foods are those cooked in oil. These include:

1. Latkes, which is the yiddish word for pancakes. The best known type of latke are 'potato latkes'. However, they can be made with all sorts of ingredients such as zucchini, yam, rice and mushroom, or cheese.

2. Another item traditionally eaten are 'sufganiyot' which are jelly doughnuts.

Additionally, it is a tradition to eat dairy based foods during this holiday. This could be anything from cheese borekas (puff pastry filled with cheese) to pizza, lasagne, etc.

Do Jewish people eat rice on Hanukkah?

Special foods include potato pancakes (latkes) and jelly donuts (sufganiyot). Also, any foods fried in oil are traditional.

There isn't anything that could be called a "Hanukkah Dinner" though.

Name for Hanukkah potato pancakes?

They have nothing to do with religious beliefs, but it just became a custom because they are fried in oil. On Hanukkah, Jews customarily make foods like doughnuts and potato pancakes because they are fried in oil, and part of the miracle of Hanukkah is that oil was found in the holy Temple that could only last one night, but it lasted eight nights.

What foods are common in Honduras?

Food in Daily Life. Beans and corn tortillas are the mainstays of the diet. The beans are usually fried, and the tortillas are small, thick, and usually handmade; ideally, they are eaten warm. A farm worker's lunch may be little more than a large stack of tortillas, a few spoonfuls of beans, and some salt. The ideal meal includes fried plantains, white cheese, rice, fried meat, a kind of thickened semisweet cream called mantequilla, a scrambled egg, a cabbage and tomato salad or a slice of avocado, and a cup of sweet coffee or a bottled soft drink. These meals are served in restaurants and homes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner year-round. Plantains and manioc are important foods in much of the country, especially the north and the Mosquitia. Diners often have a porch or a door open to the street. Dogs, cats, and chickens wander between the tables, and some people toss them bones and other scraps. There are Chinese restaurants owned by recent immigrants. In the early 1990s, North American fast-food restaurants became popular.

What do people drink on Hanukkah?

On Passover, Jews can drink a lot of what they normally drink, but most of it needs special supervision. Milk and water don't need extra supervision. Most other drinks, including orange juice, apple juice, wine, grape juice, and soda (where they usually reformulate the passover recipe) can be made kosher for Passover and may not need any changes in the recipe. The reason that they reformulate soda is that Ashkenazim can't eat corn, hence no corn syrup. Additionally, no grain based drinks (beer, hard liquor, etc) can be drunk.

What is carved on the sides of your dreidel?

In Israel: nun, gimmel, hei, pei - these letters represent the phrase: nes gadol haya po - a great miracle happened here.

Outside of Israel: nun, gimmel, hei, shein - nes gadol haya sham - a great miracle happened there.
Hebrew letters are carved on a dreidel:

nun - × 

gimmel - ×’

hei - ×”

sheen - ש

Those letters stand for 'a great miracle happened there' : נס גדול היה שם

What did Anne frank give her mother for Hanukkah?

Anne Frank gave her mother a poem as a gift for Hanukkah.

What does hanukah mean?

It self-explanatory. It means you're wishing someone a happy day on the holiday of Hanukkah,