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No, only Islam religion per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril).

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Islam. refer to related question below.

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Q: Does any other religion have the five pillars?
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Why are the 5 pillars of Islam important?

The five pillars of Islam are the basis of Islam religion. Denying any of these pillars intentionally expells the Muslim from Islam. That is why it is important for any Muslim to follow these five five pillars very closely. Refer to question below for more information.

Do Muslims get punished if they do not obey the five pillars?

The five Islam pillars are the bases of Islam. Denying any one of these pillars intentionally gets you out of Islam religion. However, not obeying any of Islam pillars by mistake, or ignorantly, or out of laziness, would be forgiven by God (Allah) per His will if you repent and request Allah forgiveness.

Why do muslims follow the 5 pillars?

Because the five Islam pillars are the basis of Islam religion. The five pillars represent the basic practices for any Muslim. Denying any of these pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslam brings him/her out of Islam. Refer to question below for more details.

What do the five pillars serve in the religion?

They serve as the bases of the religion. Denying any of them intentionally and knowingly expells the Muslim from Islam religion. refer to related question below.

Why are 5 pillars important in the lives of Muslims?

because they must follow the 5 pillars in order to be a Muslim

Why did they make the five pillars?

To define the basic Islam religion principles that if one denies any of them intentionally, he/she is no longer Muslim. Refer to related question below.

Are the five pillars of islam still around?

Yes, Muslims still believe in the Five Pillars.Did you understand that these are metaphorical pillars, i.e. the foundational ideas on which Islam is built? They are not real pillars that stand in a particular location that you could go and visit. Sorry, but the "pillars" in that sense never existed._______________________________________________________________Yes, Muslims still follow the five pillars of Islam. Denying any of these five pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslim expels him/her from Islam faith. Refer to related question below.

Why are the practices of Muslims known as pillars?

Because they are the basics upon them are based all Islam religion teachings. As removing the pillars of any building results in the building collapse, the deny of any of Islam pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslim expels him/her from Islam.

Are there any rituals for Islams?

Yes, refer to the question below for the five pillars of Islam

What is an example of solidarity in Islam?

helping the poor ans Alms giving. In Islam religion, alms giving (or Zakat in Arabic) is one of the Islam five pillars that denying any of them expels the one from Islam faith.

What is Islams role in the world today?

It is the second-largest religion and fastest-growing religion. One billion people and counting..... it has a lot of converts to it... it covers every aspect of life and its the religion God accepts.

What is the significance of the five pillars what?

The Islam five pillars and their significance are as follow:Testimony that no God except the one and only one God, the Creator and that prophet Muhammad is His messenger. This persuades Muslims not to obey any one in something that against God commands or against His prophet guidesPraying (5 times a day). This persuades Muslims to be always remembering God the Creator and His prophet. Hence this persuades then not to do any wrong.Alms giving (or zakat). This strengthens the social relations and leads to solidification between the poor and the rich.fasting Ramadan. This persuades Muslims to be more devoted to God will and refrain themselves from disobeying him and they become more tending to help the poor.hajj. This persuades Muslims to feel that they are equal and the preference is only in the degree of their piety.I addition to the above, denying any of the above five pillars, intentionally and knowingly, expels the Muslim out of Islam religion and considers him/her no longer Muslim.Refer to questions below for more informationAnswerThe 5 pillars is what makes up Islam, if you follow them, then you are a true Muslim, but if one of them is missing, then you wont be following the full religion. for example, if you had a temple, and it had five walls to keep it up, but if you took one of the walls away, then the temple would falll, and the temple wouldn't be completethey provide the ritual obligations that need to be followedThe five pillars form the basis of the religion of Islam. These are the foundation of Islam and every Muslim has to follow all the pillars in order to perfect his or her faith. The pillars are the most basic ingredient of Islam and as such faith and practice on them is necessary for all Muslims.- Or They provide the ritual obligations that need to be followed.