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For all of them you will have to paint your face green, of course (nails too if you want). Ok the only ones I know how to do are Ace, Snake, Ivy, and Big Billy. Grubber and Lil Arturo are a bit more complicated so leave that to someone else with more experience. (These are tips for the whole costume, not just the makeup.) If you want to know exactly what they look like, just type Gangreen Gang Powerpuff Girls on Google Images.

Ace Makeup: For Ace just dye your hair black, part it in the middle, straighten it, and get it cut to about chin length, or just use a wig if that's easier. Use hair product to make it look shiny and greasy. Put 2 fake fangs over your upper canine teeth. Draw 7 black lip hairs above your upper lip. You will also need green lipstick for your lips.

Costume: -white t-shirt (one of those kinds where the arms are a different color if you have one)

-shades (preferably with black lenses)

-black boots if you have them

-vest to wear over shirt (any color, it doesn't have to be exactly like Ace's)

-2 matching wristbands

-yellow pants or ripped jeans (if you have them)

How To Make Ace-style Pants:

-Get some plain yellow sweatpants (the baggier the better, as they should be able to fit over your boots) and cut large, even triangular strips out of the cuffs.

Alternatively, you can just wear some ripped jeans and go as Fusion Fall Ace.

Ace speaks with a nasally Italian New Yorker accent.

-"Mistah? You're talking to Ace, kid."

Snake Makeup: This is especially good if you have long black hair, if not you can use a wig. Makeup is pretty simple, just color your face green and wear black lipstick.

Costume: -striped white tank top

-brown Bermuda shorts

-brown kangol/newsboy hat facing backwards

-black Converse-style sneakers if you have them

-2 matching wristbands (if you can, try to find ones that go with the tank top)

Snake has a hissing voice similar to Spongebob.

-"AAH I can't take it anymore ssshe'sss a Powerpuff Girl! Ssshe'sss good, we're bad! The mussseumsss, punchingsss, hittingsss, hurtingsss!"

Ivy Makeup: Cut your hair short, dye it blue, and flip the ends up (or you can use a wig). Wear orange eyeshadow and black eyeliner on your eyes and color your lips black.

Costume: -sailor shirt (preferably a tank top) and hat

-brown Bermuda shorts

-black Converse-style sneakers if you have them

-2 matching wristbands

Ivy has a sort of witch-like voice. She's pretty much the girl version of Snake without the hissing.

-"My magic trick will put you to sleep..."

Big Billy Makeup: Get a short orange wig that goes over your eyes. For makeup, just make your face and lips green.

Costume: -plain green baggy shirt that is slighty too small

-blue jeans


-pillow tied under the shirt to make you fatter

-black sneakers

Big Billy has a very stupid-sounding voice. Think Stitch, only deeper.

-"Big Billy no get soda."

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Q: Does anyone have any ideas for Gangreen Gang Halloween makeup I'm going as Ace and would like some tips?
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