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Exercise, stress, and illness can all affect your blood sugar both ways

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Q: Does anything effect blood sugar besides food or insulin?
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The major effect of insulin is to?

decrease blood sugar

What best describes the hypoglycemic effect of insulin?

Lowers blood sugar

What effect would insulin receptors have on blood sugar if they stopped working?

If the insulin receptors stopped working the blood sugar will raise which may leads to diabetes

What effect would injecting insulin have on the results of the test?

The insulin would regulate the blood glucose level and this will give the correct reading.

What effect does insulin have on sugar?

Insulin allows glucose(sugar) to enter the body's cells. Insulin also stimulates the liver to convert glucose to glycogen and store it for later use. The end effect is blood sugar is decreased.

Why cant you mix insulin into food instead of injecting?

If you put insulin into food it would not have the same effect. You see, insulin needs to be in the blood stream. That is why you have to inject it with a syringe.

What if you took insluin but was not a diabetic?

Not sure, but insulin lowers the blood sugar level in the blood of the human body. If you were not a diabetic and took it, you could compensate by eating something sugary or by taking glucagon, which is the counter effect of insulin.

How are insulin and blood sugar related?

insulin helps transport the blood sugar into cells were sugar is needed. insulin is related to blood sugar cause insulin can lower blood sugar level.

How would a doctor know the pancreas is damaged?

the amount of insulin in her blood is wrong

Can you turn off blood in mass effect 2?

No besides why would you do that any Way?

What to do when blood sugar suddenly drops?

Either a high cellular sensitivity to insulin or too much insulin in the blood.

Why does exercise have an insulin-like effect?

Exercise lowers blood sugar in a similar way to insulin, as the body uses the sugar in respiration, allowing the body to move, enabling its participation in exercise.