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Q: Does apple produce electricity than lemon?
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Which produces more electricity lemons or oranges?

The lemon does produce more electricity than oranges. BUT in rare cases an orange can produce more electricity than a lemon. But overall its the lemon that's the best.

Why does a lemon produce more electricity than a potato?

Lemons are more acidic than potatoes, which allows them to produce more electrons and generate a higher voltage in an electrolyte solution. This higher acidity helps lemons to have a higher power output compared to potatoes when used in a lemon battery experiment.

Why is lemon juice a stronger acid than apple juice?

Because a lemon is a citrus and an apple is not.....

Is the lemon battery better than real electricity from power plant?

Lemon battery is better than real electricity from power plant. Lemon battery saves money than paying electricity bills per month.

Will a apple ripen more rapidly than a banana more than a lemon?

A banana will ripen (and go bad) faster than an apple, and last would be a lemon.

Is the potato best conductor of electricity than a lemon?


Do different fruits give off different amounts of energy?

yes moore acidic fruits like a lemon will give off moore electricity than say an apple

Can a pear conduct electricity better than a lemon?

Yes! Not many people know this, but it actually can. I had tons of fruits + a potato in my science project, which was to see what would produce the most electricity. My hypothesis, was of course, a lemon, but I came to see that somehow, the pear was higher than everything else, even the potato! With interest, I finished the project.

Which is healthier lemon or apple?

Apples are healthier than lemons.

Is apple cider more acidic than lemon juice?


Which ink juice will come up better apple juice or lemon juice?

Apple juice will come up better because it is darker than lemon juice

What is more acidic than lemon?

Vinegar, perhaps apple cider too