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Q: Does applying ice reduce internal bleeding?
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Does putting ice on a cut stop the bleeding?

No. It will reduce swelling only. Pressure will stop bleeding.

What is the treatment of choice for soft tissue injuries and muscle injuries?

Ice and elevation, some light massage to ;)

What do you do for a bad sprain?

RICE...Rest,ice,compress,elevate. Stop what you are doing and rest. Place ice on the injury site for the first 24 hours, heat thereafter. Compress the site to minimize internal bleeding and thus, reducing swelling. Elevate the injured limb, again to minimize internal bleeding.

How would applying ice to a wounded area to reduce blood flow to the area affect the inflammatory response?

Cold causes things to slow down. Applying ice reduces the amount of blood in an area of the skin, causing less swelling.

Does applying ice pack to belly reduce fat?

Applying an ice pack has very little affect on weight or fat loss. The only way it helps is that the body has to burn off calories to keep the area that it is on warm. And there is the risk of hurting the skin and organs in the area from prolonged exposure to the cold.

Does ice help with knee pain?

Yes, ice can help with knee pain. Ice wrapped in a towel and applied for 10-15 minutes can help to reduce knee swelling and pain. When the knee is damaged, you get bleeding into the joint and an increase in the amount of synovial fluid. The ice helps to reduce this. It also helps numb the pain. See this site for more info

What is the easiest way to reduce redness in blemishes?

There are a number of ways one can try to reduce redness in a blemish. Some different things that are suggested are to mix an aspirin with water and apply to the blemish, apply toothpaste to the blemish before bed, applying ice to the blemish or applying a tea bag or lemon juice to the blemish.

Does ice reduce spots?

No, all ice will do is temporarily reduce the inflammation

Is there any way to reduce redness after waxing?

Redness and inflammation are the common causes of eyebrow waxing. This can be reduce by applying aloe Vera gel or tea tree oil, just be careful when applying soothing gel on the affected area as this may drop into the eyes.

How do you get rid of underground zits?

Want to pop it?Get hot water, press it onto inflamed area for 20 mins. Let it cool. Repeat 2 - 3 times. This should bring it to the surfaceWant to reduce the swelling?Ice. Keep applying ice. But not directly; put a towel between the ice and your face.

Name the plastic container filled with ice used for applying on the body?

Ice pack

Which of the following can reduce your traction?

Ice and water can reduce your traction.