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Q: Does bad tonsils rott your teeth?
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What is bad about softdrinks?

they have so much sugar that it could rott your teeth

Can teeth grinding occur when a child has enlarged adenoids and tonsils?

Teeth grinding in children has nothing to do with having enlarged adenoids and tonsils. If a child is grinding their teeth, it is simply a bad habit.

Why does candy hurt your teeth?

The sugar in the candy can rott your teeth

Do energy drinks rott your teeth?

Yes, it Does rot your teeth.

Is bulimia bad for your teeth?

Yes. When teeth are consistently being exposed to stomach acids, they can start to wear down and decay much easier.No, Your teeth will not fall out. They will not rott either if you take care of them.

How many sets of tonsils does a human have?

The number of tonsils in the human body depends on what location you are asking about, but in the mouth and throat there are 4 sets; the pharyngeal tonsils, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils. If you are talking about other structures that are named tonsils, there are many others such as the cerebellar tonsils.

Do apes have tonsils?

Yes, they do. Orangutans have 32 permanent teeth.

Why do teeth go yellow?

teeth some times turn yellow through not being brushed or eating or drinking things like sweets that can damage and rott them. =) my advice to you is to look after them by brushing them with toothpaste and tooth brush at least once a day . if you smoke that is another thing that can cause bad breath and yellow teeth.

How many teeth does a rat has?

rats have 16 teeth. they do not have a gall bladder and they do not have tonsils.

Is bananas bad for tonsils?

Banana hurt my throat when I had tonsillitis.

What organisms are in the mouth?

The oral cavity, or mouth, contains the tonsils, teeth, tongue, and salivary glands.

A body part that begins with the letter t?

* teeth * tibia * tonsils * torso * tongue * trachea