


Tonsillectomies are a common surgical procedure. It is when the tonsils are removed for a variety of reasons. This could be caused by frequent infections, sleep apnea, snoring, or other causes.

137 Questions

Will the removal of tonsils and adnoids help with sleep apena?

This is said to work for some people. I would be skeptical and not have a surgery that was not thought out thoroughly.

How soon can you get a tonsillectomy?

There is no preferred age. Tonsils are removed only if a person gets tonsillitis, and then only if it is a serious case. Most tonsillitis is caused by a virus which can be treated with antibiotics. If someone gets repeated infections then surgery may be recommended by your doctor.

How long does it take for you to heal once your tonsils and adenoids are removed?

Well, I had a tonsillectomy on Jan. 28 and today is Feb. 10 and I am still tyring to heal, but for the most part the bad type of pain in my throat and ear is gone, however, i still have a little difficulty swallowing and eating certain things. My tongue feels very funny when I use it to eat-like floss is holding my tongue down in the back and it shocks me when I use it too much. My taste buds are kind of screwed up and most things I used to eat don't taste very good anymore. So, it's been two weeks and I still am not completely healed. By the way I am 31 years old. It seems the younger you are the faster you heal-one week if you are about 9 years old! Why didn't I do this long ago??

Can you remove your tonsils more than once?

1. Sure, but isn't the question: Is the surgery medically necessary so that insurance will pay for it? If you can afford it, I guess some docs might be hesitant anyway to remove a healthy organ though.

2. You can, but tonsillectomies are rarely done any more, as it has been discovered that they do not often contribute to common infectious problems. You should consult with your doctor and follow her recommendations.

What happens after you get your tonsils out?

Tonsillitis is and infection on the tonsils. Once the tonsils are removed that infection or inflammation of the tonsil should go away as well. If symptoms are still persisting consult your physician.

After you gave your tonsils out what can you eat?

After the operation, it's important to drink plenty of fluids when you wake up and some people advise to continue this diet for the first week. However, the doctor may allow you to eat soft foods for the first week. Soft foods include yogurt, ice cream, soft cereals, scrambled eggs, and soups.

Ask your doctor when it's safe for you to begin your normal diet.

Is it ok to eat chocolate after tonsillectomy?

Yes, honey can be eaten after a tonsillectomy.

Specifically, the procedure in question involves removal of the tonsils from either side of the throat. It leaves the inside of the mouth sorely sensitive to foods that generous mucous production or that have other than bland, soft consistencies. Honey may be taken diluted in warm water since it has pain-controlling properties.

What will happen after the tonsillectomy surgery?

Answer after the tonsillectomyHi, I've just have tonsillectomy surgery 3 days ago. First day is easy because anesthesia makes you feel better :) After one day there will be more pain but not too much. Just more than the day before. Taking regular painkillers make it easy, and pain generally comes when you try to swallow something or talk to much, so its not something irressistable. Also my doctor says that these conditions changes person to person, so it can be different in every person but generally younger person has less pain. (I am 24 years old by the way ) Cold water really helps feel better. And here is something that i find on iternet :

What should we expect after surgery?

As previously mentioned, most patients have a significant amount of pain after tonsillectomy, with pain resolving 5-12 days after surgery. Older children and adults seem to have more discomfort. Most patients can go home the day of surgery.

  • Ear pain: Many children will complain of ear aches after tonsillectomy. This is caused by pain coming from throat and not the ears. Give pain medications and encourage liquid intake.
  • Fever: Many patients have a low-grade fever after tonsillectomy - up to 101.5 degrees (380 C.). Give Tylenol and plenty of fluids. Higher prolonged fever should be reported to your surgeon.
  • Bad looking (and bad smelling) throat: Most tonsillar areas (after surgery) are covered with a white exudate - sometimes with bad breath - for up to 12 days. There be some redness and swelling as well. The uvula (the thing hanging down in the middle) is occasionally swollen

Hope these helps a little.

Hey im 17 years old and i just had the tonsils out, the doc said they were the biggest he'd ever seen.

The first two days are not to bad as the anesthesia still hasn't worn off, though after that watch out, its not a fun ride. Try to stay away from rough foods that can be a bit scratchy and foods the require to much chewing, things like pastas and soups are good. Make sure you always have a glass of iced water next to you as keeping hidrated helps everything.

You will always form a yellowy blacky soft scab on the site of the operation, this is normal and do not take it as infected, you may also get a bad taste in your mouth.

headaches and earaches can occur but constant painkillers helps this.

Are tonsils considered an organ?

Your throat is not an organ. The throat contains the larynx and pharynx organs. The larynx, commonly known as the voice box, is part of your respiratory system. The pharynx behind the mouth and nasal cavity and above the larynx and esophagus.

Does everyone have to get their tonsils out?

NO. Not everyone has to get their tonsils out. The only reason you would have to get your tonsils out is for medical issues such as frequent sore throat.

Why would someone need Tonsillectomy?

Well, when people have tonsilits, and tend to get sick off of tonsils, they get their tonsils removed. The surgery is quick and painless, (because you will be under anesthesia!), and only takes about 20-30 minutes! The aftermath is pretty painful ( because i had mine done), and takes about a month or 4 weeks to recover!

Do they still remove tonsils?

Yes tonsillectomies are still performed today. It is not as common as many years ago but with medical advancement there are other treatments to help a patient and prevent a tonsillectomy.

Is tonsillectomy and sleep apnea connected?

Yes, a tonsillectomy is performed in sleep apnea when the tonsils are felt to be so large as to occlude breathing. This is usually done in young patients, especially children 3 to 10 years of age or so. Occasionally, tonsils are removed in older patients for sleep apnea, but usually in combination with other surgeries, if surgery is recommended at all. Most adults are treated with a CPAP machine first, and surgery is only done if that does not work or is not tolerated.

When can you start eating after i get a tonsillectomy?

As soon as you want to-there is no reason you can't.

What happens if a scab falls off early after a tonsillectomy?

Well, just had mine out Aug. 20th. Doctors said between day 7-12 the scabs were supposed to start falling off. Day 10 for me large chunks started to loosen up and drop off, and though I have lost the main thick scabs. However, I am now at day 19 and still have a thin layer of white scab where my tonsils used to be, and also severe swelling on the left side of my throat, and swelling of the uvula which has restricted my breathing substantially for the past 3 weeks. Not fun at all, and I definitely wasn't prepared to have open wounds for a month - but guess there's no choice in the matter at this point. If I heal up normally and refrain from being perpetually ill for months on end the procedure will have been worth it. If I am to have long term breathing issues and uneven healing with no health benefit... NOT so much.

What is the best thing to eat when you get your tonsils removed?

well you can eat soft, smooth, creamy foods. most likely you would eat ice cream or jello, but if you can find a different type of food that fits these qualities eat that but make sure you fill your tummy so you don't have to eat to long after your first meal.