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in this day and time, we do see some of the technology developed already, but back then, it would be considerable that batman used many high tech weaponry such as the Batmobile, Bat-Tracer, Night Vision bat goggles, Batcetylene torch, Micro Bat camera, Bat Breather, Thermite Bat grenades, Bat-Heater, Bat Listening devices, etc...

(All listed can be found of Wikipedia for more information about them)

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Q: Does batman use high tech weapons?
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Yes, most people dont realise it but batman has some serious tech, he usually has small non-lethal and quiet gadgets which is why most people think he is weak, but when batman faces an eniemy that requires more powerful gadgets, he can call in artillery strikes with his bat-plane, or use biological weapons such as a milder version of scarecrows fear gas. he has flame throwers super sonics also acid, ice,fire, and smoke grenades and lasers. Most people think that ironman has better tech because they see him shoot missles and they see batman throw a batarang. this is a common misconseption batman usually only uses the bat-a-rang when he wants to be stealthy, but if he want to use some of his more powerful tech he can just jump into his bat-plane or batmobile which has just as much weapons as ironman does but they can be remote controlled, meaning batman could in theory fight crime without even being their. he could just sit in the cave and remotley control the batplane. the only reason i dont think he does this is becuase he dosnt want anyone killed. he only uses these more lethal gadgets when dealing with really powerful villians that can take the punishment.

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