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Bell peppers grow best in soil and organic soil.

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Related questions

How fast does a bell pepper grow?

11-19 hours

What will grow better a bean plant in organic or in dirt?

A bean will grow better in dirt not organic.

What amount of time does it take to grow a bell pepper?

2-3 months

How do you get a bell pepper in harvest moon ds cute?

Bell Peppers grow in Fall. You can buy Bell Pepper Seeds from the Sprite Casino. That unlocks once you find the Harvest Sprite named Roller. The Sprite Casino is in the Sprite Tree House.

Can you grow a pimento tree in Florida?

It is a green bell pepper that is left in the sun to ripen & turns red.

How long is a life of a bell pepper?

How long will thawed bell peppers last in refridgerator?

What is good fertilizer for sweet bell pepper?

I have always gardened organically, my mom taught me how when I was a kid, and that was long before it became "trendy" to grow, shop, and buy organic products. But a great natural supplement for peppers is to put fresh cool ash, or matches in the soil around the root of plant this puts an increase of sulfur in the dirt, and it produces firmer, tougher walls/skins on the pepper which makes them more resistant to disease while growing, and taste better when eating.

Why does a yellow pepper taste sweeter than a green pepper?

There are many different types of peppers or chiles, but I assume this question is asking about bell peppers. A green bell pepper (which we often just refer to as a green pepper) is actually a fruit that is unripe. These peppers change colors as they ripen, going from yellow to orange and to red. They are sold in all these stages of ripening, causing us to refer to them as green, yellow, and red peppers as if they are different peppers.As the bell pepper ripens, like many other fruits, its sugars start to develop. This is when some of the starches in the pepper are converted to simple sugars. Now, a bell pepper does not have as many sugars as, for instance, an apple, but it does have some. The riper the pepper, the sweeter it becomes. So, a yellow pepper is a bit sweeter than a green pepper, and a red pepper is sweeter than a yellow pepper.

What is a fertilliser?

Ferilizer is an organic material used to enrichen the soil for plants and such to grow better and healthier.

Can you grow a pepper from an actual pepper seed?


How is a pepper produced?

I assume you mean Bell, jalepeno, sweet banana, chili etc. when using the term pepper. If so, all are vegetables that grow above ground on small bush like plants, similar to tomato plants.

What crops does Britain grow?

Primarily wheat, but they are also known for oats, barley and sugar beets.