

Does black earth have gold in it?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Does black earth have gold in it?
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How make black gold oil?

you cant but their is some in the earth

Petroleum is called as black gold because?

As petroleum is digged in the earth it is black in colour and it is very popular so it is compared to an gold then it becomes blackgold

Is there black gold in ths world?

Since black gold is oil, yes there is black gold in the world.

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petrol, fuel, the dark gold...

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and what is black gold exactly?

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Noop. Black gold is slang for crude oil.

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What does black gold mean?

Oil is often known as black gold.

What is black gold used for?

black gold is slang for crude oil

Which is called the black gold coal or petroleum?

Coal is Black gold