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The bleach helps keep the water bacteria-free. Just add a little amount of bleach and sugar to some fresh water to prolong the life of the plants.

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Q: Does bleach prolong the life of flowers?
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What are the supplies needed to do the project does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?

you hav e to get

Can you use vinegar to prolong the life of a flower?

Yes, vinegar can be used to prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar, copper pennies, and aspirin can also be added to the water to help prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar is the best treatment.

Is there household products to prolong the life of a flower?

yes sugar does anybody know if there are any household products that will prolong the life of cut flowers and if so how does it work? multiple answers if possible please!!

What is the name of the chemical in detergent that kills a plant?

..bleach i think? not sure. but I do know giving a very small amount of bleach to a plant now and then will prolong its life. * boron

How much bleach is healthy for a flower?

none. bleach will damage living flowers. if you add a teaspoon to a vase with cut flowers it will kill the bacteria in the water there by prolonking cut flowers shelf life

Does sugar prolong the life of the cut flowers?

Yes, the sugar will help the flower survive, or pour some clear lemonade into the vase that will also help the life of flowers, this is a trick of the flower trade.

What website would you go on to find does sugar prolong with the life of cut flowers?

Try the link below. The research is very good.

How do you make a sentence with the word prolong?

By eating healthy you will prolong your life.

Does vinegar prolong the life of cut flowers?

Use 2 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 tea spoon of sugar for each quart of water. Flowers will not tolerate a strong solution of vinegar

Sentence using prolong?

Regular maintenance will help to prolong your car's engine life.

What does 7-up do to cut flowers?

Adding 7-Up to the water in a vase of cut flowers is said to prolong the life of cut flowers. The lemon/lime juice in 7-Up lowers the pH level in the water, and cut flowers like a lower pH. Next, the sugar in 7-Up provides a food source for the cut flowers.

How does aspirin effect roses?

Aspirin can be dissolved in a vase of water to help prolong the life of the flowers. The aspirin gives them extra nutrients and is usually what is the basis of the packets florists give customers.