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Blood enters the nephron first. It enters through the afferent arteriole into the glomerulus, where filtration takes place to form the initial filtrate.

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Q: Does blood enter the nephron first or second?
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Which structure is the first section of the nephron tubule into which the filtrate enters?

The first section of the nephron tubule into which the filtrate enters is the Bowman's capsule. It is a cup-shaped structure located in the renal cortex that surrounds the glomerulus and receives the initial filtrate from the blood.

Where does blood first enter?

right atrium

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Yes, urea and glucose remain in the capillaries, while blood cells and protein molecules are filtered out and move into the capsule of a nephron during the process of renal filtration. This filtration is part of the first step in the formation of urine in the kidneys.

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A heartbeat has two parts the first part in the flow of the blood into the heart. The second part is the flow of the blood out of the heart. That is why heart beat is a bub-bub sound.

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The blood enter first to superior and inferior vena cava after the vena cava it will enter to right atrium

Were does deoxygenated blood from the body first enter the heart?

Right Atrium.

What happens as wastes are filtered in nephron?

first both wastes and needed materials,such as glucose,are filtered out of the blood.then,much of the needed material is returned to the blood,and the wastes are eliminated from the body

Which part of the nephron receives fluid from the glomerular capsular space?

The filtrate from Bowman's capsule first travels to the proximal tubule of the nephron.

What is the first capillary bed associated with the nephron functions to?

It filters