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Q: Does blowing air in a balloon involves a push?
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Why does a balloon blast if you keep on blowing air into it?

because of the poor elasticity of the balloon

What happens to a balloon if you keep blowing air into it?

the volume of air inside the balloon increases while the pressure of balloon decreases thus balloon inflates

What experiment proves that air exerts pressure?

Blowing up a balloon.

Why does a balloon bust if you keep on blowing air into it?

becaz d air molecules require more space than required if u keep on blowing air into it

What makes a hot air balloon works?

a hot air balloon works when the hot air blowing from the bottom pushes up the balloon which lifts it up into the sky where it moves in the direction where the wind blows .

Why freely suspended balloon move towards while blowing air?


Is blowing in a balloon is a physical change?

Yes, It is a physical change because it's only losing air. when you put air in the balloon it's still a balloon, and when it loses air it's still a balloon. So it's a physical change since it didn't change in substance.

What is the action and reaction force during blowing a balloon?

Air fill the balloon and force it to expand but being a rubber base substance the balloon always in the state of pushing the air (that's why if you put a hole on a balloon it will "fly"). Air pushing is an action. Balloon pushing back is a reaction.

How do you make a balloon rise?

Instead of blowing normal air (your breath, a pump, etc.) into the balloon, you'd use helium to make it float.

Can you blow up a balloon without blowing air through your mouth how?

There are machines you can buy for blowing up balloons; check with a local party store.

Do a balloon keep it's shape because air particles inside it push against the inside surface of the balloon?


How do you teach a child air existence?

By blowing up a balloon. if you show the kid the balloon when its not blown up then they'll see that it gets bigger when its full of air. If they don't believe that theres air inside then pop it and there will be nothing.