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Q: Does bone have a medullary cavity?
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Medullary cavity function?

The medullary cavity contains yellow bone marrow.

What does the medullary cavity do in the bone?

the medullary cavity in the bone is located in the middle of a long bone and yellow marrow is located here (only seen in adults).

What is the function of the medullary cavity?

The medullary cavity is the central cavity of bone shafts. This is where red and yellow bone marrow are stored. The medullary cavity is also involved in the formation of red and white blood cells.

What is another word for a bone cavity?

Medullary Cavity or bone cavity is also a word called fossa.

The inner region of bone is called?

medullary cavity

What is another name for the medullary cavity of the bone?


What is Contains fat in adult bone?

medullary cavity

What portion of the bone increases in size as you age?

medullary cavity

What is the central spaces of the long bone called what?

Medullary Cavity

What are the names of cavity with in a bone?

antrum - a natural cavity or hollow in a bone bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body

How does the marrow in the medullary cavity compare to the marrow in the spongy bone?

The bone marrow in the medullary cavity contains only yellow bone marrow, for fat storage. The spongy bone contains both red bone marrow (blood production) and yellow bone marrow.

What is the hollow area inside of the diaphysis of a bone?

It is the space where you will find bone marrow, which is where Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells are formed