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The yellow marrow in the medullary cavity in long bones functions as a fat storage area.

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Q: Does bone tissue function as a fat storage area?
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What is functions of bone tissue?

Bone tissue has several functions including the obvious structural function of supporting the living tissue/body system. It is protective of the most vital organs, and functions as a storage for elements and electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, etc. It is also a dynamic structure that has mechanical function such as typing on a keyboard. The functions of bone tissue include support, movement, protection, mineral storage, and blood production.

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You are an idiot learn how to spell and then maybe someone will answer your question.

The structure of bone tissue suits the function Which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and withstand tension stress?

spongy bone^^WrongCOMPACT BONE

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What are the functions of the two type of bone tissue?

Two types of bone tissue are compact bone and spongy bone. Compact bone functions as the basic supporting tissue of the body. Spongy bone's function , meanwhile, is to make up most of the short, flat, and irregular bones in your body. It also makes up the ends of long bones.

Describe the tissue type and function of a tendon?

Tendons are a type of soft tissue connecting muscle tissue to bone, similar to the ligaments that connect bone to bone. The function of tendons is to transfer force between muscle and bone. This facilitates the joint movement for everyday movements.

What is osseous tissue?

Osseus tissue (bone) is classified as a connective tissue.